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hey guys,


they've released an sof2 mp sdk which i think comes with the mp source code. since both jo and sof2 are loosely based of the q3 engine i was wondering if some of the elements of sof2 could be implemented into jo, such as being able to see exiting and entering bullet wounds which can be turned to blaster marks and the ability to mark not only walls but other players as well. also more dismemberable areas could be implemented.

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SOF2 uses much more advanced Ghoul engine. It's the one that allows for bullet enter and exit wounds and detailed dismember.


JK2 not only uses an older engine, but the dismemberment is implemented as "on-death", meaning you can dismember a limb only when the entity dies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i also tought that the gore stuff was another thing NOT part of the ghoul2 engine, ghoul2 is just dismemberment and colission stuff, altough it might have to do with saving the ghoul face the mark is attached to but not much more i think. i'm not sure how the gore 'engine' was called.. but it also had to do with the grass and jungle drawing in sof2 (mostly shader specific stuff, culling shaders at a distance. not sure if this is implemented in jk2, but i don't think it was / is)

you 'could' basically create something like that yourself. but this wouldn't by anything easy (check the drawn mark thing every frame to see if it should be culled etc.. not really processor friendly code i guess).


i coded something like that for quake3 tough. (well the culling at least) but that was based on map settings and entities. this worked but using the engine is offcourse much faster... and for now, impossible :) (unless you have mucho money ;))

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hey emon i dunno if its the same engine, unless the areas u can disemember at are only game specific. even if i turn g_saberrealisticcombat @ 99999, i still won't see a stormtrooper's head cut into peices of foruths, and not the flying gore u see in sof2.

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tinny, you partially wrong.

i'm not sure yet what's up with the maximum amount of body parts but i don't think it would be limited.. (why not try a sof2 .glm file once?! :))

also the gore stuff.. why wouldn't this be possible? it's just some flying 'debris' simply code in some stuff and whoop you've added gore :)


gore sprites 'ON' the body might get harder tough because they require shader specific stuff jk2 doesn't have...


but it would be fun to have someone try a sof2 glm file once :p and see what that does on dismemberment

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