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Replacing Kyle model with a different model in SP


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What's the path for these kyle files (that rhymes *giggles*) :rolleyes: anyways i went gamedata/base/models/players/kyle and then i replaced the root.xsi and model.car (i didn't see any model.glm or model_default.skin) with the model.glm and model_default.skin for the model i wanted in there, BUT it didn't work! hehe i am assuming i did the totally wrong thing

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I've made many, many Single-Player replacements for Kyle. This is how I do it. It may look confusing, but its actually quite easy. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible:







1) Pick a Skin or Model that you'd like to replace Kyle with


2) Unzip that Skin (Using Winzip) and take out the .pk3 file


3) Rename the .pk3 file extension to this: .zip


4) Now, Unzip this newly created zip file


5) A new folder will now appear. Open it up. Inside, you should see a bunch of other folders. The only folder you need is the one that says "models". Delete all the other folders. Some skins have "botfiles", "scripts" and "sound" folders. Just delete them all except the "models" folder.


6) Open the "models" folder and you should see another folder called "players"


7) Open the "players" folder and you should see another folder with the name of the skin you chose. For instance, it may say "solo" for Han Solo. Rename this folder to "kyle". Type it exactly like that.


8) Open this newly named "kyle" folder and inside you should see a bunch of .jpg images and other files.


9) first delete any .jpg images you don't need which includes all the red & blue images thats used for online gaming.


10) Sometimes there are 3 model_default_skinname.skin. 2 of them are for online gaming. If there are any red & blue model_default_skin files then delete them 'cause you will not be needing them. Now, rename the model_default_skinname.skin to: model_default.skin


11) Open the model_default.skin with wordpad/notepad


12) There should be loads of lines of writing. There are two types of lines, one type you need to change. Here are the examples:





Don't touch any lines with the word 'stormtrooper'. This line must be left alone. Instead, where it says 'models/players/skinname', change 'skinname' to kyle. Here's an example:








13) After you change all the necessary names to kyle, save.


14) Now, go back to the folder that says "models"


15) zip it using winzip. Name it whatever you want.


16) Once the file is zipped, rename the extension from .zip to .pk3


17) Now drop your newly created file into your JK2 Gamedate/base folder. Load a new game and you should be playing with a brand new character.


18) I don't think the model will work with a game thats already saved. I'm pretty sure you have to either load in a new level or start from the beginning of the game. The new SP_Model will do wierd things if you use it within a previous saved game.




This technique has worked really well for me. Some people have said that you don't need to alter the model file with notepad. But I've had problems with certain models when I didnt do this. I've got a nice collection of SP Kyle replacements. I'm now waiting for the Qui-Gon-Jinn Model to be completed so I can covert that one too. :)

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wow, thanx for all that info im gonna try it out right now:D


edit: oh boy :rolleyes: im gonna feel humiliated now, sorry but i do not know how to rename the .pk3 file extension to the .zip file extension (all i use winzip for mostly is unzipping d/l files) so could someone just explain this quick and simple? im sure im missing some kind of option somewhere but i can't find it.

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Originally posted by Angry Sandwich

5) A new folder will now appear. Open it up. Inside, you should see a bunch of other folders. The only folder you need is the one that says "models". Delete all the other folders. Some skins have "botfiles", "scripts" and "sound" folders. Just delete them all except the "models" folder.


You should also keep the shaders dir if there is one.

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How do we change the sounds? do we just leave the sounds file in? i don't want to be a female running around then have her yell ouch in kyles voice. also can i have the names of all the sounds for SP? like falling long distances and such like that?



ok i did what you said but the lightsaber now protrudes out from the new models gut.... how do i fix this?

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Well if you're gonna keep the "shaders" folder along with the "model" folder, then Winzip aint gonna zip the file for ya. It can only zip up one folder. If you put the 2 folders within another folder and then zip it up, then the game won't recognize your new SP model and will default back to kyle. With this being the case, you're gonna need a program called Pakscape. Use the following instructions if you plan on using the "model" folder and "shaders" folders:


1) First Download Pakscape v0.08 from here: http://planetquake.com/bubba/files.html and install it


2) Open the "Pakscape" program.


3) On Packscape, click "file" then "new"


4) Wherever your "model" and "shaders" folders are, Drag and drop both of them into the Pakscape window.


5) When finished, Click "Save As"


6) In the bottom window, type in the name you want your SP file to be. For instance: SP_Kyle_to_Solo


7) Now below that, there is a "Save As Type" window, click on: PK3 Files.


8) Below that, there is a "Compression" window. Set it to: Maximum or Normal


9) Click save and it will now turn your 2 folders into a single .pk3 file.




Changing your sounds in SP is tricky and out of my league. I've never done it before. I don't think it even can be done in the SP game, unless you can somehow find a way to re-record all of Kyle's dialogue in the game with a female voice. Its weird, I know, to have a female as your lead speaking with a man' voice, lol. If it bothers you too much, then you can always just use the female models to replace Jan or Tavion. Sorry I couldn't be much help here, but playing with SP sounds is something I do not know how to do.


As for renaming your .pk3 file to a .zip file. Thats easy and Senator Palp is correct. Right click on the .pk3 file and click on rename and type in .zip. (remember, don't forget to put a period before the word "zip". Thats it.


By the way, Pakscape is great if you want to create a model pack for your online gaming. I've made one that has over 40 Models in a single .pk3 file. It was either do this or have 40 separate model .pk3 files hogging up my JK2 directory. I'm a neat freak. I hate the mess. :p

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The lightsaber problem usually occurs when you use the new model with a saved game. Start a fresh game or use a level cheat and go to the next level in the game. It also may be that you renamed some wrong files in your model_default.skin. Recheck that too. I've had the same thing happened to me when I first started doing this and the answer was simply start a new level or game. Using the model for a saved game that I was playing caused the lightsaber problem you described.


I'm gonna be gone for a couple of weeks. Vacation! I leave in a few minutes. I hope it works out well for you all. I should give credit to Darklighter (I think thats his name. Sorry if it isn't) for teaching me how to do this a few months back. He's the one who taught me and countless others on this board how to change Kyle (or any other models in the SP game) into a new model. Thanks again Darklighter. :)

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Originally posted by Angry Sandwich

As for renaming your .pk3 file to a .zip file. Thats easy and Senator Palp is correct. Right click on the .pk3 file and click on rename and type in .zip. (remember, don't forget to put a period before the word "zip". Thats it.


ummmmmm........... i just did it and it didn't work :( now instead of it saying (model name).pk3 it says (model name).zip.pk3 so how do i rename the file extension?:confused:

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Dude, you're pretty new at this sort of thing, ain't ya. :)



If you're at the beginning of the tutorial that Sandwich wrote then: just right click on your .pk3 file. Click rename. Press "Backspace" until the name ".pk3" is deleted. Then just type in ".zip" to take its place. Thats all there is to it.


if, when you backspace, all of the words disappear, then just type in SP_model.zip, or whatever you want to call it.





If you're finished with the lesson that Sandwich wrote and are trying to turn your new Kyle replacement into a .pk3 then just zip it up and: right click on your .zip file. Click rename. Press "Backspace" until the name ".zip" is deleted. Then just type in ".pk3" to take its place. Thats all there is to it.


if, when you backspace, all of the words disappear, then just type in SP_model.pk3, or whatever you want to call it.

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Actually, I can't do what you said, person above me.


Instead, I open the window and then go to the start menu.


I select run, and open "command"


then I type "ren solo.zip solo.pk3"


Insert your zip name instead.


Quick and easy, especially if you are angry because what these guys said doesn't work!!!

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oh i am FRUSTRATED! i tried to figure out what ur instructions were, but ren solo.zip solo.pk3?? wtf am i sposed to do, type ren (model name).zip (model name).pk3?? and then insert zip name?? that doesn't make sense!


btw i did actually try and do what u said, kenad

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Ok, i'm gonna explain my method in more detail, because the pk3 thing will also screw up the Multiplayer model.


1) Go to the Gamedata directory and create a new directory named "NewKyle" (this is just an example, you can name the directory whatever you want offcourse)


2) Go into the directory "NewKyle" and create a directory "models"

3) Go into this directory "models" and create a directory "players"

4) Go into this directory "players" and create a directory "kyle"


This should set up a mod directory with a directory structure for the Kyle playermodel.


4) Now select a model that you want to use in SP. For this example i will use Cheshire's Darth Maul model. I assume you have it installed in your base dir.

5) Open the file "glm_Maul_Model.pk3" in winzip or winrar.

6) In winzip(or winrar) go to the directory models/players/Maul.

7) In this directory select the files model.glm and model_default.skin and extract these to the directory ...Gamedata/Newkyle/models/players/kyle.(the directories we created before) Make sure you don't extract the pathnames with the files.


8) In your directory Gamedata/newkyle/models/players/kyle, you should now have the "model.glm" and the "model_default.skin" from the Maul model.


Now if you want to use the Maul model in SP, start up an SP game and load the mod named Newkyle. Now you should be able to play as Darth Maul in SP.


You can also edit your Sp shortcut with the line "+set fs_game Newkyle".



Important note!!. With this method you have to make sure you have the model you want to play with also in your base directory, because all we did was have the Kyle model link to the Maul model in the base dir. So make sure you have the file "glm_Maul_model.pk3" in your base directory.:)

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