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Some of A, some of B, and some of C. :D


"OK, Rhett I'm sorry, but I can't be known to associate with an openly gay person," replied Homer, "not that there's anything wrong with that, but... there is."


Rhett says...


A) "I now officially disown you Chase."


B) "Why Chase, just, why!? FOR PETE'S SAKE WHY!!!"


C) "Look everyone! It's Houston Nutt!" and sprints off for the Supra.


D) "Ummmmm... what now?"

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i agree. that was going good. let's just start a new sory. where are you, TD? anyway, it was more me stuck w. the supra thing than you, jd. stupid tru... CAR! :D



EDIT- I just noticed your sig, artoo. that's not funny! remove it!:D

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God decides to reset the universe to the day all of this started in an effort to change the fate of the world....with a little selective editing...hehehe, who needs TD?


Rhett enter lucasforums when something shocking happened

A) it was taken over by trekkies

B) his supra broke down

C)his supra exploded

D)his supra combusted

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D. But in the order of: B, A, then C


After getting his directions and looking over the nearest rental shop he decides to trade in the piece of wrotten medal that used to be a trike for a:


A. Bicycle


B. A truck...I mean car called the 'Toyota Supra'


C. A gigantic bus with a picture of Alf on the front


D. Picture of Natalie Portman.

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After thumbing for Three Straight hours Rhett get's a brainstorm. Taping his picture of Portman onto the front of his shirt he starts thumbing some more. Immediately a car pulls up to him. Inside was a...


A.) Star Wars Jockey named Homer :p


B.) Famous Director named George Lucas


C.) Famous Actor named Ewan Mcgregor


D.) Truck Driver.

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"Hello? is this the general in charge? good. this is <insert name of governer of whatever state they're in>, and i have a job for you." rhett gives him the adress of


A) NL_Ackbar. "go and beat him for unknown reasons." :D


B) JediDou. "go stir up some trouble for him since he started this entire stupid tru.. CAR thing." :D


C) Jatt13. "go bring him to me for being so handsome and sexy that all the dallas cowboy cheerleaders ignored me, who paled in comparison, and bring him here." ;)


D) Chase. "go make him give me the last burrito."

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Dang Homer!





Distracted by their new toys the soldiers just sit there...trying to rally his troops the General says:


A. "Come on men a boatload of cheese for the first person to go after him!"


B. "Aren't you a little old for toys?"


C. "If you all pitch in to catch him we can have a pizza party!"



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A (Of course, who else would want a boatload of cheese? :D )


"i'll get 'em, sir!"

but as dash charged wildly forward, with visions of cheese dancing in his head, he forgot to look where he was going and steped on 1 of the soliders new skateboards. he fell and rolled, but he was so far into his mad cheese zombified state, he barely noticed and kept on coming. "i'll give you two boatloads of cheese if you help me!" said jediduo. of course, dash jumped at the chance. "hey, men, he's deserting!" yelled the general. the soldiers, fueled with love of their country, confusement a/b why any1 would want to desert it, and rage that dash did, start to chase the pair. jediduo runs to his supra and jumps in, with dash closely behind. let's go get help from


A) Artoo


B) Fergie


C) Chase


D) Havoc


p.s.- sorry i went that long!:D

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But Dash all of the sudden realizing that although the general might be able to get 1 boatload of cheese Duo could NEVER get 2. After his mind clears he finds that he's NOT in a truck but that the Supra IS a car. He then takes his Pop-gun out and points it at Duo and says...


A. "Stop the car in the name of the law!"


B. "You can't get me two boatloads of chesse pull over now!"




D. "What was my line again?"

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well, this is kinda weird, but oh well.




"That's unnatural!" yell the soldiers "that's insane!" yells jediduo and dash. "Yes! i knew i was right!" yells jatt. ;) everyone, in the face of such an unnatural occurance


A) run.


B) attack the hippies.


C) stand there paralyzed in fear and amazement


D) faint.

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