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Top Ten.. Yet again....

Boba Rhett

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Top Ten Reasons Why the Star Wars Characters Would Kick Butt in the Star Trek Universe.




I swear if anybody turns this into a ST vs. SW battle I will impale them on spikes covered in Iceehot. :p Have fun! It's all in good fun! :D




10) In the Star Wars universe, weapons rarely, if ever, are set on



9) The Enterprise needs a huge engine room with an anti-matter unit

and a crew of twenty just to go into warp-- the Millenium Falcon

does the same thing with R2-D2 and a Wookie.


8) After resisting the Imperial torture droid and Darth Vader,

Princess Leia still looked fresh and desirable-- after extended

Cardassian starvation torture, Picard looked like hell.


7) Jabba the Hutt would eat Harry Mudd for trying to cut in on his



6) Luke Skywalker is not obsessed with sleeping with every alien he



5) One word: lightsabers.


4) The Federation would have to attempt to liberate any ship named

Slave I.


3) The Death Star doesn't care if a world is class "M" or not.


2) Darth Vader could choke the entire Borg empire with one glance.


And the number one reason why the Star Wars Characters Would Kick

Butt in the Star Trek Universe:


1) Picard pilots the Enterprise through an asteroid belt at

one-quarter impulse power. Han Solo floors it.

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Mine won't be as funny but I will try.


10. Spock's Mind Meld Vs The Jedi Mind Trick= no contest

9. Vulcan Neck Pinch Vs Force Grip(choke)= again, no contest

8. Tribbles Vs Ewoks?

7. Original Series Red Shirts Vs Stormtroopers(at least Stormtroopers don't get eaten by lava beasts)

6. Padme Vs 7 of 9 = What do you think?

5. What good does Vulcan Logic do when you in range of the Death Star.

4. Millenium Falcon does not have an annoying voice like the Enterprise Ship's Computer.

3. Jawas are small and smelly, but not as ugly as those damn Ferrengi things.

2. Willian Shatner VS Ian McDiarmid, who's does the most overacting?


And the number one reason Star Wars wins again?


1. At least Star Wars does not need to use a "holodeck" to add more plot ideas to it's dead end script!

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I only have a couple


A) in Star Trek;you have to know about matter/antimatter containment, conduits, and dylithium crystals...

in Star Wars all you have to know is THIS one goes HERE, THAT one goes THERE!!!


B) Kligons accept defeat if it is "Honorable", Wookies rip your arms out of their sockets


oh wait....looky what I found here


stealing from other people, are we Rhett??



here's a new top ten as well, non ST vs SW


Top Ten signs that Darth Homer is bad at this


10) Bad structure have sentences

9) Spaces in serted in bad spots

7) Items listed in the wrong order

6) Some items are missing or not finished


5) Same item appears twice

4) Same item appears twice

3) Same item appears twice

2) List ends early

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Originally posted by Chase Windu


Same thing appears twice huh? Your lawyer must be very happy you can't count because you must be paying him more than you promised.


Well, you know what they say..."There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and those who can't." ;)



Anyways, pretty funny Rhett.


Everyone shuld know by now that rhett never makes this stuff up.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Yeah but... what a long and sweaty fight. :cool:


just how I like my girl fights...


Originally posted by Darth Groovy

2. Willian Shatner VS Ian McDiarmid, who's does the most overacting?




[shatner]We must save.....th ship!! Spock!! The.....ship! We must.......save her!![/shatner]

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Originally posted by Darth Homer


just how I like my girl fights...






[shatner]We must save.....th ship!! Spock!! The.....ship! We must.......save her!![/shatner]


"You waaaaant thissssss?" "I can feeeeeeeeel your anger!"


"The hate is sweeeeeeeeeling in you now!"


Not sure about this one.


When it comes to overacting though, that Richard Dean Anderson from Stargate SG-9 owns both of these guys. :rolleyes:

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