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multiplayer prob


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You're probably making listen servers... you know, were you jsut click "Create a Server" on the menu... you need to have each other's IP to connect


when you have his IP, open the console (shift + ~) and type:


connect <IP>


That should do it, if you need to know how to find your IP, let me know

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To create a dedicated server you only have to change "Dedicated Server : No" to "Dedicated Server : Internet" at the bottom of the "Create A New Multiplayergame" screen.

You can also use Jedi Runner . It has more options .


If you want your listen server on the list checkout http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63491


And I suggest that you use the All-Seeing Eye . It is much more reliable than the in-game browser.

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Remember you should both have the same version, preferably 1.04. I recently did a reinstall and could not find or search my favorite servers. I had forgotten to re-run the 1.04 patch. As soon as I did they appeared.

It should not matter if pure server is selected or not.

You could also try searching for your friends "NAME" in the search player box. Good luck.

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