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W.I.P.: Coleman Trebor NEW

PIo Koon

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common now how are they going to make every jedi with two and make coleman trebor with one. it just wouldn't make sense. seriously plo koon i suggest you make it with two. don't wanna see this model go bad. check out this site. has alot of reference pic. even though it doesn't show any coleman trebor pics it should show you how a jedi outfit should look like.



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JDiesal...what the hell is your problem?...i didn't insult u in any way and ur acting like im not listening..EXCUSE ME FOR NOT BEING YOU...for your stupid ass information i did do the 2 tabbard idea and im looking at it right now


for the love of God no wonder i left this forum


JDiesal if your going to be a pain in the ass and not HAVE PATIENCE WITH ME...then don't bother posting in this thread because i don't want to deal with you AT ALL


i have a life you know..this is MY model and i can do what i want with it..but im choosing to listen to u all...and ill get around to doing it..WHEN i get around to doing it


and did i ever say my idea was better than yours and that your idea would be stupid as **** to do so im not doing it because i think your fact is an idea? NO I DIDN"T...i said i thought my way was better but i was going to try it


excuse me for not knowing that your always right and i can't be right because im not you


yes u turned out to be right...big deal..i said u might be and that i just happened to like the 1 tabbard


so for everyone else reading this..DO NOT ASSUME things about me...i said i was going to get the model done rough and go back and edit everything..which is what im doing


so JDiesal think before u judge...i don't like being judged and if u think im a stupid ass go make your own Trebor i don't care


gawd damn




anyway Yoda...dude don't assume im not going to do your idea man =OP...plz everyone don't say think what i want...IM MAKING THIS FOR U GUYS AS MUCH AS I FOR ME...as i said like 3 times im open to ideas =OD...and im putting your ideas into my model..just plz give me time to do it...im going through alot in my life and don't have time to work on my model 24/7 whcih would be stupid to do lol

anyway again Yoda lol..i agree with u though the belt is kinda stupid...thast why i deleted it =OD...im gunu redo it...and arms i already started


and LBuRNa just because i make it with one tabbard doesn't mean its going to ruin the model....and as i told JD i already made it with two tabbards..so plz don't assume

also i just read ur post about the neck..i missed it lol...i know this don't worry...im going to edit it..just haven't had time to go and do that just yet


im making this model my own style and also trebors


anyway im tired of typing..i got homework to do...lata

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here it goes again.......


plo, you're a great modeler but you got to learn to not take everything so seriously. you posted your model here as a work in progress and with that comes opinions and advise. you don't have to agree with what everyone says. if you're offended by everything then don't bother posting a wip, just make it by yourself without any opinions...

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i wasn't assuming ok, i'm just letting you know how you would make this a more accurate and better model. i didn't say the one tabard idea was bad. i'm just saying you wouldn't want to make a model of somebody that doesn't look like the actual character. so do we understand eachother now.


by the way i'm on your side of the woods. check out the Kit Fisto 1.0 Released thread i stood up for you. i really think this model is doing good.

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Good call, Mariners. If you're going to be so sensitive, and go saying stuff like "this is MY model and i'll get around to doing it when I want to" (which, granted, it is and you can) really just makes you look like someone who can't take criticism of any kind, even when it's constructive. My advice to you is like what Mariners said - if you're not open to criticism, and you don't want to hear opinions or advice, don't post a WIP thread. Or post a thread saying "Coleman Trebor released" or something similar when you're finished with the model.



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you guys are yelling at me when hes talking crap about me AND my work?


fine have it your way..from now on im ignoring every comment made about me and my model


im only going to post pics and updates...and links to when its done


since im obviously in the wrong im an ******* so i should learn to shutup


excuse me for my ignorance ill try not to have an opinion of my own


and LBuRNa i wasn't yelling at u..i know your on my side and i saw u stick up for me and i appreciate it...i really do

but apparently when i get insulted its not ok to stick up for myself


and for all of u who yell at me for saying that...save your breathe..your yelling at me because im sticking up for myself


since thats not ok im not going to stick up for myself or my model..im not leaving this forum again but i can't be myself


im sorry everyone that im such an ass



did u guys even see what JD said about me and my model in Kit Fisto Released thread?...he asked Toonces to make a trebor since my model was ****ed up...since when is that ok to say someones model is a piece of ****?


i don't understand it and i never will


so excuse me for being ignorant



and hey..Jedi Anakin...what JD is saying is not Critisizm..hes insulting me

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I said it was ****ed up cause its lower torso is way too skinny and plus you insulted me when you said The two tabbards is just an idea when the majority of the jedis have two tabbards. Sorry but it's FACT not just an Idea. and i dont want a model thats not accurate. And I said that comment cause u ****ing pissed me off!


Also thanks LBuRna, mariners, and Anakin for sticking up for me. :)



And PIo Koon u need to take a chill pill.


This thread is probably going to closed cause of this argument.



Edit: BTW it was alot more peaceful while you were gone. Also u misspelled my name in your signature.

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Originally posted by PIo Koon

did u guys even see what JD said about me and my model in Kit Fisto Released thread?...he asked Toonces to make a trebor since my model was ****ed up...since when is that ok to say someones model is a piece of ****?


and hey..Jedi Anakin...what JD is saying is not Critisizm..hes insulting me


PIo : Yes, I saw what he said in the Kit Fisto released thread. And he's entitled to his opinion, as is *everyone* on this forum. Pay it no mind. It doesn't affect you unless you let it, and you can always have the forums edit out anything JD says (it's in your User CP options somewhere). No one's saying what he said is ok, but you'll just have to accept the fact that not everyone will like the things you have to say or do.


And please don't pick and choose the people you want my comments to apply to. I never said that what *JD* said was criticism OR constructive. I meant it as a general statement, and it was written as such.


Having said that, I think both of you should stop insulting each other and drop it before a moderator closes this thread.



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um, if you have a beef about the model (especially a WIP) why dont you just tell the modeler so he can fix it? instead you have to immediately ask someone else to make the model because this UNFINISHED model doesnt meet your standards?

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Originally posted by Mest

um, if you have a beef about the model (especially a WIP) why dont you just tell the modeler so he can fix it? instead you have to immediately ask someone else to make the model because this UNFINISHED model doesnt meet your standards?


Actually I did tell him how to fix it. I said it was too skinning and that it need two tabbards cause the majority of jedis do. I said that comment cause he ****ing pissed me off when he insulted it me when i was just trying too make it better. He said that my advice was just an idea when its fact. So go have a good day, Mest! :mad:


Originally posted by skywalker19



Very rude to go bother toonces when this model is already being made,btw,i think its looking pretty damn good...if your going to be so quick and judge a WIP,lets see what you can do.


And skywalker you're just plain silly. He's using gmax. So its unlikely that hes going to make it work ingame. And How is it rude when i ask him to make a player model that want to look good and not have a way too skinny one that has one tabbard. And if i had 3DS Max then I would make player models; cause Gmax is a waste of time. Like i said before you're silly.


Less flaming, more upbuilding discussion! - :eets:

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all of this looks a little to famliar.....OH congrats on having a life plo :)


If you post stuff on the internet you going to get a lot of people say "YEAH AWESOME" and many more saying, um this and this needs to be changed. Oh, and yes people will tell you flat out it SUCKS. Personally you have some room for improvment in both your model and attiude. LIGHTEN UP FRANCIAS

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Good grief guys, give the guy a break. He's nice enough to start making the model and now.....oh forget it. Just lighten up on him guys.


And plo, I know some people are getting annoying, but you need to learn not to take so much offense at this stuff. Some of the things people said was totally uncalled for, but other people were just telling you how they thought you could make it better.


In short, I think this whole forum kinda needs to lighten up.


btw, awsome looking model dude, hope you weren't serious about not posting any more pics. Peace out guys.

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Originally posted by Twisted Vertex

looks like plo kloon is sticking to his NO MORE PICs campaign. Did you run away again plo?


Twisted Vertex, can you please keep remarks like that to yourself.


Eets has already asked for the arguing to stop, and comments like that does nothing but start it again.


I'm sorry to be rude, but if you think 'PIo running away' is immature (not saying that PIo really has or anything), then what do you think about your above comment? I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but I feel that taunts like that are quite immature.


Note: I'm not try to further the arguing. For as long as I have visited these forums, this is the first truly negative post I have made. I'm just sick of the occasional bashing that does seem to pop up from time to time. In this life, I think we all need to be tolerant of each other.

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