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GeForce 4 Ti 4200 = 20 fps!


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On maps like bespin, i have a framerate of ~20 fps!

Can anyone help me?


This is my spec:


AMD 1.33 GHz


512 DDR (2x256)

Asus GeForce 4Ti 4200, Drivers: 30.82 (Have tried others)

Windows XP


Please help me, this cant be normal, I have checked the other threads on similar issius, but no one seams to know a real answer.



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Are you playing in Mp mode or SP mode. If you are playing in MP mode what connection speed do you have. It may be that you internet connnection is losing data. I have that problem and I have yet to figure it out but I will help the best way I can

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Dude there isn't a problem here, your framerate is correct. The bots use a ton of resources, it will slow down for anyone when they have 10 bots on bespin. I have an XP1600 and a Radeon 8500 and i only get 20-30 fps with 10 bots on bespin, so i keep it around 6 or 7 bots and i get 30-50 fps. Mind you i usually play with low sound quality because high quality eats 10fps, so if you really need some more frames turn sound to low and you should get a significant boost.

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I have this same problem, and not just with bots, but with regular people. I get like 80fps on a map, and when 10 people join, the fps tanks to like ~20.


I don't see why this should happen, how do human players eat up resources like this? It's a Q3 engine game, and i don't have problems when lots of players join a Q3 game. Or a MOHAA, RTCW game, for that matter.


And lowering the res/texture size/model detail doesn't help worth squat

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Originally posted by Jay Jay

Are you playing in Mp mode or SP mode. If you are playing in MP mode what connection speed do you have. It may be that you internet connnection is losing data. I have that problem and I have yet to figure it out but I will help the best way I can


I have ADSL @ ~40 ping

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If you havent already try turning off v-sync, when the framerate drops bellow the sync mark it will half teh fps. eg if you dip below 60 fps it will show 30fps.


I have a practically identical system to you same mobo everything and i get liek 140fps at times.


one thing you could try is com_maxfps 150 that essentially uncaps the framerate and the result is a healthy boost in fps.



I run t-bird 1.4


GF4 ti 4400 128

with 1 gig ram


so what works for me should do same for you.

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<center><h2>**ALERT: This is only for advanced users of WinXP Pro!!!**</center></h2>


What thing I have noticed is also when I alt-tab out to the main desktop, pull up the task manager, then processes, I right-click on jkmp.exe and under Priority, I set it to higher, and I can usually pull an extra 20-40 FPS. But remember, this is for those who know what they are doing, and what the results are.


System Specs:

Abit K7-Raid

AthlonXP 1500

512 MB PC-2100 DDR RAM

60 GB SeaGate 7200 RPM


PalitDaytona GeForce4 Ti4200 128 MB RAM


System #2 Specs:

Asus Sis7v333

AthlonXP 1500

256 MB PC-2100 DDR RAM

40 GB Seagate 7200 RPM

24x8x32 CDR/W

PalitDaytona GeForce4 Ti4200 128 MB RAM



(I set HunkMegs to 300, and I set MaxFPS to 500)

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