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Ok, just to send you some updates-

1. I have recieved a botroute-file by Nyght, they are working :)

2. I'm experimenting with Q3map2 from ydnar, but up to this date haven't gotten it to lighten any of my maps properly- so I'll wait with the next release until I finally get it to work correctly.

3. I've made a new bar that will be included in the next version of the cantina- the old one just didn't seemed detailed enough.


I'll post some new screenshots once the next build is completed.

For some quite simple wallpapers you can check out http://www.durahcell.de/jk2preview/wallpapers...


Especially the first one is for all those of you who helped me up to this point :)

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I'll do my best to include it- problem right now is that I'm afraid the engine will reach its limits- hopefully I'll be able to include the spaceport.


The upper segment of the bar is already included in my currently-running compile. Had hoped the new version of q3map2 would include the lighting but it doesn't work :( I'll see what I can do, hopefully I'm soon finished with it (like tomorrow evening)... Then I'll show you the first pictures.


About the comment "great mapper"- If you say so ;) No, really- Gizmos skyboxes worked fine with me, if you want to I can post the shaders here- Never had problems with them...


Hopefully I'm faster creating the beta3 than I was with the current beta- did take a bit long, even though there are some more buildings- I'm still wondering how to make the textures look better: Made them bigger, but they still look tiled for afar :(

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Ok, some bad news- I've had a headcrash and now am unable to start my PC :( Fortunately the cantina-file was on another hard-disk, so it SHOULD be intact. Unfortunately I'm not able to access it for some days because I first need to buy a new HDD :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

looks very nice tigris.


a couple of hair-splitting niggles though:


1) open areas look a wee bit sparse - though i think it's in its nature (size of map and the BEAUTIFUL architecture:))


2) the textures on the two towers in the background of wallpaper4 look a bit iffy


as i say these are only very tiny niggles on what is a very cool-looking map...hope you rescue your hard-drive successfully!!!

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Took a look around the rececntly released BETA, and it's looking VERY nice, Tigris. Actually, I only have two concerns...


1) I'm sure someone has mentioned this, but... on one of the buildings with the towers, there is a section of wall that's either caulked or missing. You can see straight through the building. Maybe that's gonna be a door or something, but thought I'd mention it.


2) THe denention center you build is a GREAT idea. However, I would suggest making the "cells" a tad bigger. Nit-picky, but hey...


Good job - hope you recover teh HDD.

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Q3Map2- nice program... Found error... Turn Brain on next time...

Now, to tell you the truth- I forgot the "-game jk2" argument on the light command... that was all :o

Ok, dump things happen to me too ;)

Now- if only I could get that PC to work again...

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Oh, also, noticed your latest WIP, and glass always looks junky like that - stretch your glass texture 1.00 instead of default .25, and it'll look more 1337.


If you don't beleive me, try it on only one thing of glass, it's easily undoable.

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looking good Tigris, as usual ;)


i've been having some troubles with q3map2, when i try to compile it says:


FloatPlane: badnormal

FloatPlane: badnormal

FloatPlane: badnormal

FloatPlane: badnormal


The compile "finishes" after about 1 minute, but when i load up the map in jo nothing has changed since the lst working compile...

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