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Who has the Ewok Model?


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Midget Yoda said on a previous post that an ewok MODEL came with a comp gaming magazie, and that it was ment for the game, but i cant find it anywhere, is this illegal to release the actual ewok model on jk2files.com or something? On my other post, it was 9 people who wanted it to 2 people who didnt, and because eets said either make it or wait, nobody WOULD make it because there already is one, could someone who has it please release it? (if it is illegal then dont worry about) or tell us what issue and magazine it was in?

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he didn't say he didn't had the time he said he didn't had the bandwith to put it in his site it must be a big file and having everybody downloading it would take a large bandwith but i don't get it why doesn't he give it to someone else to put it in their site?

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I have an ewok "model" that came off a CGW demo CD, I never installed it until these posts peaked my interest. From what I can tell its no more than the Ugnaught model without the little suitcase, and his bits of hair sticking out from his head with an ewok skin on it. It still has the long skirt, sleeves, and odd head, so its not really an all new model. Its 7mbs large (and came with a ewok dictionary), and if thats big to Midgit Yoda, then could this be the model? I know its definetly not the Barry skin.



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