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i really don't dive a fork about anything anymore.....


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Originally posted by ET Warrior

but no, the skeleton has no guts, because it's a skeleton. One, it is dead so it obviously cannot be speaking, thus your representation of what he said is completely innacurate and is a misquotation. Secondly, the skeleton TRULY has no guts. only bones, that's what makes it a skeleton.




I thought obi said why DID the skely cross the road,not why DIDNT he cross the road..:ox

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Three men walk into a bar. The fourth one ducks. JOKE! No offense taken by anyone, because it is not offensive. Pointless jokes aimed at an entire group of people are tastless. Like if i said "Tell all the canadians that they can go **** themselves." That is not funny, nor witty, etc. etc. Think before you type.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Three men walk into a bar. The fourth one ducks. JOKE! No offense taken by anyone, because it is not offensive. Pointless jokes aimed at an entire group of people are tastless. Like if i said "Tell all the canadians that they can go **** themselves." That is not funny, nor witty, etc. etc. Think before you type.


Three men? You mean that they are gay? And why not any women? Are you against feminism?



Erm..and as for your canadian thing... heh..there's a difference between thinking they are evil (an opinion) and telling someone to do a innapropiate thing.

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