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Tale of WhiteRaider


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((OOC: Thanks for understanding guys, maybe some other time when I'm less burdened with work I'll be able to make it up to you all, and no Topshot, I'd rather my RPG character be alive for other RPGs rather than die, if I was gonna do that, u shoulda left me alone in the other place :D ))

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((........why don't we combine ours?))


((OOC: You mean like joining RPG stories?))


WhiteRaider: We can't attack him head on like this. He is too fast and I bet you he is not useing all of his power either. Topshot you and JokeMaster go around him. Yago and I will keep him at bay from the front. Becareful.


*Raider runs over to help Yago*

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Yago: *Looks at Raider*, about time you woke up. And if I heard correctly........*Activates fin funnels and the blade goes to normal state and fires at a nearby rock, distengrating it.* Yep, I can use my funnels again!


Yago: And I got this in case......*Pulls out a big shield out of his backpack and pulls out a BIG Bazooka out of the shield.* Heheheh, my explosives launcher is at your command!

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**3 large laser shoots out from nowhere and hit Ikann**


Craig: *Appears near Raider* Sorry Raider, had a few problems.


Ikann: Hm. I would have figured you died along the way. The more to kill the merrier, I guess.


Craig: Silence! *holds out hand and lightning leaps from it* You will not take the lives of anyone today, nor tomorrow, if you even live that long.

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*Topshot charges his tenloss pistol to full and aims for Ikann. Ikann needs not the force to know he's being set up for a sniper shot and quickly evades Top's shot. *


Ikann:"I thought you were a topshot, Topshot. I guess you're

becoming a little rusty with your aiming!"


Topshot:"I wasn't aiming for you, moron. Look at your saber."


*Ikann's saber disintegrates.*


Ikann:"You may have disintegrated that saber. Lucky for you, I

always carry a spare!"


*Ikann detaches detaches the 2nd hilt from his holster and activates the saber.*

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Ikann:"You may have disintegrated that saber. Lucky for you, I

always carry a spare!"


*Ikann detaches detaches the 2nd hilt from his holster and activates the saber.*


((OOC: Now why does not Obi-won in Star Wars think of that? Think of the trouble he would be saved if he just carry a second one.:D))


WhiteRaider: Now everyone.


*Raider goes in for a lunge*


((OOC: Think up a attack. I will weld all of our attacks together once I know what you are all doing. This is where we kill IKann.))

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