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Just getting started...few ?'s


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Welcome, Dexamehtal! I hope you enjoy your stay and please accept this complimentary Lucasforums welcome basket filled with numerous amounts of candy which you can snack on while browsing through our forums! :D :D :D


I recommend you get the 1.04 patch (you can search for it under essential downloads here: http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?category=5) and perhaps I suggest you get the ProMod mod (more info about it here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78866).


There are some fabulous models in the works at the modelling forum not to mention the fabulous maps you can look at in the mapping forum. If you want skins and such, just browse around in the jediknightii.net downloads (here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78866) - You'll find something you like I'm sure of it.


Cheers ;)

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Well, to continue this warm welcome, on behalf of the modeling community, Welcome :D


In addition to the great http://www.jediknightii.net, here are a couple of other sites worth visiting



It's not updated very often, but it keeps track of the most popular maps, a good place to go and find out what alot of the community is playing



A pretty good site for files, not as nice as jediknightii.net, but they update a little more


Also, Promod which has been mentioned before is a fantastic mod, I highly recomend downloading it :)


Have fun :D

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JKII has the great distinction of having subsequent patches being Single Player 'Save Game' friendly ... unlike MoHAA, for example. So I'd definitely recommend patching straight to 1.04.


The Multi-player aspect is not my arena so much, but there are many here who will help you out with things like ProMod.


These forums are full of very helpful people ... you don't have to sort through too much BS here, compared to some places I've seen related to other games. Just the occasional 'sky is falling' thread ...


I also recommend checking out http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com for all kinds of maps ... there are lots of great ones out there, from single player maps you actually care about finishing (a rarity for any game) to excellent CTF and FFA maps and more. The only problem with the site is that it suffers from what I'll call pop-up flatulence ... and leave it at that ...



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I'll second the plug for ProMod. It really improves saber play. Plus, we really need to see more people using it on-line.


Also like was mentioned, make sure you check out the work that the modelers, skin, and level designers have done. Some really talented people out there making this stuff, and it also adds a lot of life to the game!


Enjoy the forums, and hope to see you in Multi-player (Where everybody is somebody; until they get killed)!



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couple ?'s still...when I download the maps, do I just unzip them to my base folder, same thing with skins. Also when I search for games, is the best way by just starting up Jediknight through the CD?? or is gamespy any good, haven't had too much luck with them in the past, but where would be the best place to find good rooms?? ALSO...There seem to be a lot of skins out there for the game,,,is there a skins pack for all of them?? I'm sure not, just curious though.

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"When I download the maps, do I just unzip them to my base folder, same thing with skins."




"Also when I search for games, is the best way by just starting up Jediknight through the CD?? or is gamespy any good, haven't had too much luck with them in the past, but where would be the best place to find good rooms?"


The ingame browser works fine for me, however I recently installed GameSpy Arcade and it's actually rather good. You should give it a try, add a few skins, play around, just have fun. :cool:


"ALSO...There seem to be a lot of skins out there for the game,,,is there a skins pack for all of them?? I'm sure not, just curious though."


Nothing made SO FAR that I'm aware of, I'm pretty sure that there's one in the making or being planned. You can double check in the Skinning Forum.


Cheers ;)

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okay, this will probably sound dumb, but when i'm playing the game, i see a lot of guys using the electricity "force power". Now I have a key bind set up for it, but it never works. Do I need to be more experienced?? Also when I play CTF do any of the skins that you get to pick and or download work on that mission type, or is it just specific mission types?? ps, thanks for all the help guys, i know frustrating FNG's can be...:D

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All skins should work on all gametypes.


As for your lightning problem... I'm not sure, perhaps you iether don't have enough force set on that power (choosing in your player preferences) or your "mana" so to speak is to low that you have to wait untill it's full.


I can teach you a few things about playing ingame if you like, do you have an email address/messenger program?


Cheers :cool:

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