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Saga Gametype Standardization


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Perhaps if we standardized the objective list for a map to always be in the same location (data-wise) and in the same format....

Then people could decide whether to do a clientside pop-up (like Tchouky suggested), or use a motd announcement, or whatever suited their particular mod.

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Hi Guys,


My testers are encountering a problem...

While SAGA mode shows in the menu, activating the objectives crashes the map.

I encountered this problem too - my only solution is to have the

base.pk3 SAGA test file installed as well.

Therfore I must be missing something from my PK3 file.

Any ideas?


Also, Tchouky - I don't suppose I can get an updated SAGA code to implement in my map for it's NOV 1st release??? No worries if not but great if we can get some of the updates/bug fixes in place.




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If That's so then my question would be, how do I incoroporate these fixes into my pk3? So far just copying over the vm and ui folders doesn't help.

It only works when ASk's Base.pk3 SAGA demo is also around.


Any ideas?


I'm going to try a couple of different things tonight - see if I can solve this.



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Originally posted by monsoontide

Hi Guys,


My testers are encountering a problem...

While SAGA mode shows in the menu, activating the objectives crashes the map.


I'm one of the testers, and not *all* of the objectives crash the map - there is one that doesn't. So perhaps there's a clue in there somewhere?

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The biggest problem players are having with SAGA right now is that the ui is lacking. As far as the AI goes, has anybody made a complex map (2+ objectives per team) and made two bot teams (no human players) and tested to see if they actually play against each other, and try to complete the objectives?


But shouldn't we add code that reads the saga file and sets cvar's based on the saga file?


Also, we have lots of people looking at the code, shouldn't we have separate teams looking at AI and UI, and submitting bug fixes?


Last of all, isn't it kosher to have your modified qvm's and pk3s in their own mod folder?


A few thoughts I have been having.

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well i didn't try the saga maps with bots but i ve looked through the saga ai code...

and i think it's pretty much developed...

at the begining of the round the maps are parsed and the objectives are included in the paths of the bots...

thier behaviour is also modified for saga maps....


i think it should be ok...

maybe a few bugfixes too

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Originally posted by wudan

But shouldn't we add code that reads the saga file and sets cvar's based on the saga file?


Also, we have lots of people looking at the code, shouldn't we have separate teams looking at AI and UI, and submitting bug fixes?


Last of all, isn't it kosher to have your modified qvm's and pk3s in their own mod folder?


A few thoughts I have been having.


To make a standard you gotta have some people in charge of the standard. And, well, noone has volentried to be in charge of this project yet. I'd consider doing it but I'm rather strict with my leading. You gotta do what I say or I wouldn't let you add code to the standard. :D


As for using non-standardized code for your maps, I'd just include whatever bug fixes/ui you're using in with your map.pk3. That way you can know your users are using the correct stuff.

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Well, what we should do is expand upon Saga, add some ui to the deal, and release the source and ui gfx for people to build on - that way, there are certain saga features that will be included, and a certain ui standard, coders can make changes, but most maps build for the standard source should be able to work with any of these mods.


I'm not sure where it's going - perhaps we should just come up with a lexicon of code changes to saga, and add a number of different ways to complete objectives - currently you have to trigger something to complete an objective - why not have 'kill the vip' or 'steal the deathstar plans and return them to the blockade runner'


Or something like that. I'd also like to do something where the mapper can chose what models are available to what team, and possibly give the mapper the opportunity to make certain models unique, and others generic (ie, have only one luke, and 30 rebel troops) even though that might not be included in standard saga, it would make the game a bit more ... well, interesting.


If I'm nuts, let me know - but from what I've coded/read, it's not impossible.

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I think it may be best to leave the look of the ui up to each mod developer and keep this project to only code/script modifications. Any ui changes we come up with may serve to give the user a more unified experience across mods, but may also not serve the needs of the mod. thoughts?

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hhhmmm... I disagree. We need to have a default Saga Mod for people who want to just play the Saga maps with vanilla JK2. Sides, there shouldn't be that many UI changes anyway. Maybe a couple of additional options in the menu and a compus graphic for the HUD

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My initial suggestion for a consistent UI was misinterpreted to mean the appearance of the interface for the saga settings - i was only suggesting that the elements of the UI should be consistent.

Granted, some mods may add more options for the saga gametype, but i'm only referring to the bare minumum components necessary for the saga experience.

There are certain components that all saga implementations must have, or else they wouldn't be saga.


And perhaps this UI decision ultimately reverts to the more basic question of what the barebones saga standard is comprised of.


So let me throw this into the arena as a suggestion for what needs to be in a saga server setup screen:



Attacking Team

Defending Team

Time Limit



This list is intentionally basic - feel free to add to or take away from it.

But for the sake of fundamentalism, ask yourself if adding something to it is absolutely necessary in order to preserve a base saga standard (and not something that's specific for a given mod).

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I must say that I do not see anything usefull of that standardization ( as many other's here ).

I have writen much code which will not fit into such a standardization and I will not rebuild that code.


I think what you need ( all the free mapers and others ) is a working mod that can play saga maps. For such a thing you only need one (more or less good) coder.



I know. That was said many times before ( but I want more posts *g* )...

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Well, two things:


1. We gotta have ONE standard for mappers or mappers won't make maps for Saga. What features have you (Jaii der Herr) coded for saga already?


2. Syrup, what does the Attacking/Defending Team UI thing do? Show which team is attacking? There's a problem with that. It's very possible for both teams to have objectives to complete.

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Syrup, what does the Attacking/Defending Team UI thing do? Show which team is attacking?

Show which team is Rebel, and which is Imperial, as it does not necessarily need to be dictated by color.

But perhaps that brings up a good point - is it necessary to have any settings from the UI? I'm basing most of my suggestions around the Team Assault model from UT - i believe the time limits are built from the maps, and teams are automatically switched after a successful objective completion to try to outmatch the first team's time. In that case, no settings are necessary. Any thoughts?

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Well, Red is Rebels and Blue is Imperials. I don't see that being nessicary. I do see a need for a match score limit slider, thou.


On a team switch ability, that sounds pretty complicated sicne the maps is setup with Rebel/Imperial sides instead of a red team and blue team. It's doable but I personally think that it's too confusing to mess with. (You'd still be on the rebel/imperial team but you'd be playing as the opposite team!) Seems too confusing and complicated to me.

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