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See what you guys did!?


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Well the treachery of some of the admins here has been stopped. After attempting to negotiate with your moderators and getting nothing, but mockery I was forced to contact people in high places...


YES I contacted George Lucas himself. He was forced to take the forums down for awhile to make sure the ban on me was lifted.


I was easy on the board this time I could've contacted the jedi council after one moderator completely mocked master yoda saying "Master Yoda can go screw himself for all I care" after this all of my emails were ignored not that it mattered anyway mods would only lie to me.


BTW to all of my fans yes I did win that match and have temporarily retired from jk2. I wouln't just leave you with that though I demo'd the match for you all and even uploaded it if you'd like to view just d/l from here:



It wasn't my best match, because I was playing with 200+ ping so I didn't attempt to do much killing (our D obviously took care of that anyway they own :D), but it's full of caps. The first ten minutes are only worth watching after that the match was pretty much over and I kinda stopped trying which was a sign to me that i need to quit for awhile. I apologize i couldn't come on here to let everyone know about the shoutcast even if it isn't me or the clan I'm in playing you should check out the shoutcasts MeBad is an excellent caster and of course it's good for the community.

I'm off to play UT2k3 G'bye

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Originally posted by GEEZus_is_back

only newbies hate me and what have I done to get banned?



there are a lot things people dont like about you.


1. you keep calling everyone newbe, when they are not.


2. you think you know it all.


3. you keep makeing a new name. with the name geeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz.


4. you make posts about you. saying look what you made me do.


5. you will get banned because you are the same person they banned the first time.

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Originally posted by GEEZus_is_back

only newbies hate me and what have I done to get banned?


I am no newbie, and I don't like you.


That said I must agree that in this latest incarnation he has done nothing to get banned and he is in fact a very good player. His comments about the mods and Lucas were made in a humorous fashion and harm no one. I say let the bugger stay if he continues to make posts of a useful nature such as this one. All you Jedi Gunners out there would do well to watch and learn from the superior teams. Frankly I prefer guns in UT2003 but to each his own.


Mods give the man a 5th chance! Doesn't he deserve it, I mean you must give him points for effort.

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Wow Geezus is back! He's done so much for the community like saying that the game is dead and that we should all start playing UT2k3 instead!

If only more posters were like him, the community would indeed be greater.

Now don't make him call Gorge Lucas again and make him take down the boards he doesnt own!

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Thank you for being unbiased Fatal Strike :) at least you don't take EVERYTHING I say seriously.

Anyway what I will say is you guys have every right to play it and I never said YOU should QUIT and play UT2k3 only. If you enjoy the game then enjoy it someone talking about ut shouldn't ruin it for everyone. I just played for too long I anticipated the game because I played a LOT of jk1 and when the game first came out I loved it, but then unfortunately the patches tore people apart and made people disgruntled also *IMO* 1.03 was a really bad patch. During 1.02 I pubbed 2+ hours a night it was great the community was going great and the gametype was fun. After awhile though you do get burnt out there aren't enough CTF maps in the game and the weapons are very unbalanced these two factors are what got me more into UT in jk2, you CAN'T kill someone and make use of every weapon for example a bowcaster vs. repeater I mean c'mon. I don't think there is much of a chance for a weapon balance mod, but CTF maps would be GREAT that's one of the main reasons I'm back on these forums just to visit the mapping community and give opinions.

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Originally posted by GEEZus_is_back

there aren't enough CTF maps


VERY TRUE!!!! This is one reason I get my weapons fix in UT2003. There are more CTF maps, and they are better. Not knocking JKII but you won't get better if you don't point out what has to be changed!




Originally posted by GEEZus_is_back

the weapons are very unbalanced these two factors are what got me more into UT in jk2, you CAN'T kill someone and make use of every weapon for example a bowcaster vs. repeater I mean c'mon.


VERY TRUE AGAIN!!! In UT2003 the only weapons that is far too weak to use is the starting automatic gun, but even that has gernades you can launch in tight spots to score a kill. All the other weapons are very deadly in the right hands.


This makes a game wear people are actually using different weapons instead of everyone running to the same weapon (unless of course you are playing a rare map that had the nuke enabled).


JKII programmers should note that if they make an expansion pack this weapons balance issue should be addressed. Hopefully they won't attempt to fix it the same way they fixed the saber, which is by weakening the strong weapons.

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Originally posted by kstar__2

heeeeeeeeeees back!


and soon will be banned:D




Honestly posts like this are more of a reason to get banned then Geezus's. He has made decent remarks while the rest of you have come in here to act like children!


Now unless you want to sit in the kitchen and eat with the dog, shut up and mind your manners!

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These problems WON'T be solved by raven, that's why there are third party maps and mods.

Making an offical expansion update would be a good step but a new patch would just slow the community down in making new mods. I know the weapons are not balanced, the bowcaster has got to be the most usless weapon in my oppinion, but they were never meant to be balenced, that's while you'll find two storm trooper rifles on a map and only one rocket launcher.

Right now after talking with Artifex, beta 3 will attempt to balence out the guns/ guns vs saber problem, if it doesnt work so what? At least there are a few that try to solve the problem rather than just complaining.

How many of you out there think IF raven releases a patch it will be perfect? it will please the most people? it will fix all the problems with the game? It will ballance every aspect of the game? I don't. That's why i try to promote third party mods, it is beter than just going to boards and saying "this game sucks, others are better".

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Whether this really is Geezus or that idiot impostor, I really don't care. Both have broken the rules enough times to be banned on the spot. The problem with this "current incarnation" is that it is indeed a current incarnation. You're not allowed to come back after you are banned (and this rule doesn't change after being banned half a dozen times, either!).

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