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The Aviation Thread...


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this is the thread where you can ask me questions about either technical or political questions about aviation.


examples would be such as, "what does the collective do on a helicopter?" or "what restrictions are there for flying over my house?" and such...


ask away!

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

this is the thread where you can ask me questions about either technical or political questions about avation.


examples would be such as, "what does the collective do on a helicopter?" or "what restrictions are there for flying over my house?" and such...


ask away!


avation? a standing avation? or 'Aviation'?

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what does the collective do on a helicopter?



*waits impatiently for the answer*














...Seriously, though, I would like to know :)


And seeing as you said "political", what do you think about the idea of letting pilots carry handguns with them "for protection"? :)

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as to johny boy, dont look at me...


as to handguns, I am for it, most pilots are also I think.


the point is, if those who wish to be part of it, can if they want take a training program before they get to be armed.


no one is FORCEING them to carry.


re: collectives. a collective is a(and I am gonna steal a quote here) "stick that behaves like the throttle control on an aircraft. It controls the pitch, or position, of the rotor blades "collectively", so each blade is tilted at an angle to produce lift."


I found this diagram on howstuffworks.com, along with the text that follows.




The swash plate assembly consists of two plates -- the fixed and the rotating swash plates -- shown above in blue and red, respectively.



The rotating swash plate rotates with the drive shaft (green) and the rotor's blades (gray) because of the links (purple) that connect the rotating plate to the drive shaft.

The pitch control rods (orange) allow the rotating swash plate to change the pitch of the rotor blades.

The angle of the fixed swash plate is changed by the control rods (yellow) attached to the fixed swash plate.

The fixed plate's control rods are affected by the pilot's input to the cyclic and collective controls.

The fixed and rotating swash plates are connected with a set of bearings between the two plates. These bearings allow the rotating swash plate to spin on top of the fixed swash plate.


The collective control changes the angle of attack on both blades simultaneously:



The cyclic control tilts the swash plate assembly so that the angle of attack on one side of the helicopter is greater than it is on the other, like this:




The cyclic changes the angle of attack of the main rotor's wings unevenly by tilting the swash plate assembly. On one side of the helicopter, the angle of attack (and therefore the lift) is greater.


simple, huh?:)



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