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Looking for a clan...

Acer Palmatum

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I'm looking for a clan with a good training program, regular practices and focus on team work. A Master/Padawan situation would be perfect. :) I'll be the Padawan. :D Tournament or competition record is secondary to teamwork and training.


Here's a little about me:

I'm 33 years old. I'm not looking to get in with any poor sports, whiners or complainers. Hey, I take kick spamming and uneven teams and keep bouncing back without losing my cool. I certainly will dish it out if I can too. :) Spamming and so called "unfair" moves are part of the game. Learning how to counter them is too. ;)


I am not looking to find a "clan" that is just a bunch of guys that put lines, colors, equals signs or asterisks in their name. I can do that all by myself thankyouverymuch. :D


I would like to be involved with a competitive clan, but I realize that I am a noob, and will have to work my way into a position with a competitive team. I don't believe that being a noob is a bad thing. I think new players keep the game and community alive.


I have been playing JKII multiplayer, mostly CTF, for about a month now. I mostly like team games, but am not opposed to dueling, etc. if it is for the clan.


I'm no great saberist, although I believe I have the ability, desire and dedication to learn to be. I play mostly saber only games, as that is primarily what I am interested in, but don't mind an occasional game with guns. I just think that force and saber use are more in the spirit of this particular game. If I only wanted to shoot, I'd play Quake or something. :)


I have a Pentium III 866MHz. So if that's adequate to host (non dedicated, it's my only machine), then I am up for it. I have not hosted any games on my machine in the past, so I’m not sure if I can adequately.


I know this sounds like a resume. I intend to scrutinize prospective clans as much as they intend to scrutinize me, and I thought it would be fair of me to give the info up front. ;) Show me your website/training program in return if you are interested. :D


PM, e-mail or reply. Take your pick. :)

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Greeting Acer,


I'm very impressed with your introduction, and I do believe that you should visit our website at http://www.alderaanknights.com. Sorry to sound like a salesman, but I do believe that you will fit into our clan nicely.


We are a Role-playing dedicated clan called The Knights of Alderaan. We are very focus of following the Star Wars and the Jedi tradition, therefore, one Master and one Padawan is what we follow. Since we are very RP dedicated, we do have our main storyline, and each members also have their own story to be developed, which makes this game more than just fighting and killing each other. Training is a very important part of our day-to-day clan life. When you first apply, we will give you a status of candidate. Candidate does not mean that you are part of the Order yet, because we still need to see whether you have the right attitude and potential to be a jedi. it won't take very long to become an initiate, as long as you are what we are looking for. Once you are an initiate, you will have access to most of the forums, and you can read about our history and stories from the Jedi Holocron, some very useful training lesson in the training hall, and lots of other SW related discussions in the Jedi Temple forum. As an initiate, you also have to show your egarness to learn and a mature attitude, before a master will choose you to be his/her padawan. Once you are a padawan, you will be receiving one-to-one training by this master of yours until you are ready for the knighthood trial.... so, the path is not easy to become a jedi... I hope I did not scare you off. But if I did, then you may not be the type that we are looking for then.


Hope to see you soon at our own dedicated server.


May the Force be with you!



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

Knights of Alderaan

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Thanks for the welcome guys. :)


I see that others have posted very similar "looking for a clan" threads in the past. I thought I would address some questions about all the clans here so others may see the answers and use them too. .. :cool: I have reviewed all the links you guys posted thoroughly to avoid asking questions that you have already answered on your websites. :)


Dath, Obi: Does your clan have a training program or regular practices? If so, what kind (Master/Padawan, award oriented, weekly, bi-weekly, etc.).


HekxNoxu: I see that your members are marked as being either light side or dark side force users. Is this a set thing, or is changing your force alignment accepted in your clan?


Ric: Does your clan strictly stay on the light side of the force, or do you all stay on one side or the other at all times?


All: Do you compete in any leagues, tournaments or regular sparring type activities?


Thanks for your patience guys. I hope my questions and your answers can help me to make a good choice, and help others to learn about your clans as well. :)

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Beh, I forgot to mention the fact our "clan" is actually just one huge social club. If you're looking for a serious clan that competes and has ranks and whatnot, look at another clan. Not tryin to be rude, I was just sayin that we don't do all that stuff. We just fool around in-game.


You're still more then welcome to participate in a double-clan with us, though. ;)

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Greeting Acer,


Very wise set of questions indeed.


To answer your questions:


1) Yes, we are only a light-side clan.


2) We have already been inviting outside clans (either dark or light) to compete with us, either in simple saber dueling tournament or the role-playing missions that we have been arranging every week. And as I have mentioned, the outcome of these RP missions will have direct effect to our storyplot (and these missions will be put into story as the history/holocron story of our past). Furthermore, we are also planning to compete in some outside tournament, once our members gain more experience in competing with outside clans.


Finally, just to let you know that, before you become a padawan, there will be many scheduled training sessions within each week for the initiates or candidates to participate. Usually hosted by knights or senior padawans, so that the initiates and the candidates receive basic training and to be ready for their formal padawan training once they have their own masters.


Hope I answered your questions. Feel free to let us know if you would like to learn more about us.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

Knights of Alderaan

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I am BigTeddyPaul and also belong to the same clan that Hekx does so the answer to your questions are as follows: During sessions and what not we only use the powers which correspond to our path. When we play for pure fun we can choose whatever but when we train or play light vs dark we use our on powers. We do train with both powers though because we need to know how all the powers work and the better we know our enemy the better we can defend yadda yadda. The special exception to this rule are a third division called mercs which use both light and dark but are limited in which powers. I think the final decision was no lightning for dark, and no absorb and mind trick for light (do not quote me). We do have at least weekly meetings. We also have informal session where we just play and have fun train and do whatever else we feel like. We mostly use my server but we should have a dedicated one for us to use sometime in the next week so that should help us out a lot. If you want to come and have some fun with us there will be a session this Sunday at 1 PM Pacific, 4 Eastern time. If you are interested and want to participate to better make up your mind let me know at sexyprz@hotmail.com and I will give you the IP. We do not particiapte in tournaments yet but that is only because we have not been able to have enough people to get together to train as a team so we can compete in such events as CTF or TFFA. Have Fun!



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Okay, I just played around with BigTeddyPaul and what I think was a group of mostly beginners. I got my posterior handed to me pretty good in FFA with guns. Not really too much of a surprise for me, since I hardly ever play with guns. That being my primary reason for not joining a team that can kick my noob butt all over the map. :D Thanks for the games BigTeddyPaul. :)


I have decided that I much prefer saber only JKII MP games. At least for serious play. Guns are okay for messing around, but they take away about 75% of the point of the game being about Jedi, IMHO.


So, are any clans into just sabers for serious play, or at least mostly into saber only combat? I'd even consider saber only all the time. If so, are you looking for recruits? :)


Ric: What is your order's feelings about guns?


Thanks again all,

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Greeting Acer,


I can see that you are very serious about your choice, just like we are very serious about the path of being a Jedi...


Regarding your question, since we are a very StarWars and Role-Play dedicated, light-saber is very much the only weapon that we use. Except when some of us have to pretend to be the remnant troopers or bounty hunters, then we will use guns. One other possible scenario that we will use guns is during training, we have what we call weapon evasive training, where one or two jedi will use guns to fire upon another jedi who will try to defend himself/herself by jumping, rolling or use his saber to block the incoming shots.


Other than the above situation, we do not use weapon much at all.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

Knights of Alderaan

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Ric, I am curious to know a little about an "RP" clan. Do you each have one character that you develope as if that character is your online persona while playing JKII. Or do you just work out different storys/scenarios each time you play? Also, do you spend most of your clan time ingame, or writting storys? (I'm sorry if this came off as sounding a bit hostile, or confusing for that matter, it was in no way intended to be.)

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Greeting Eiex-Meh,


No, I don't think your question sounds any hostile at all, no worry. :)


We each have our own character that we develop as our online persona. For example, I (Ric D'Sunga, this is our in-game name) was once a candidate myself, gone through the system of being an initiate, then picked by my former master, Jedi Master Haras Media, as his padawan. After lots of intense training by my master, I took the knighthood trial (extremely comprehensive!), and became a full Jedi Knight. Now I am a knight, I also have my own padawan, Aidan Solusar, whom will be taking his knighthood trial soon also... During the path of becoming a full jedi, I have also participated many missions which helped to develop stories. Not just the stories about myself, but the main story plot of the Knights of Alderaan, and many others...


Nevertheless, sometimes, we do also play other characters depending on how each particular story will need, because just like in the movie, sometime, there are bad guys and good guys, right? For example, I played as the role of a Sith Lord once also during a training mission with a group of initiates!


Finally, we spend most of our time in-game, and it depends on each members if they want to write stories. The only story that is required to write each time after a mission, is the official KoA storyplot related missions, because those stories have direct effects/impact to the development of our Order.


I hope the above answered your question, but if you have more, please feel free to let me know.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

Knights of Alderaan

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Greeting Again Eiex-Meh,


We have not officially played against any outside clan yet, as we are still in the process of inviting any outside clan. Furthermore, we are also looking to participate in the Jedioutcast league type of interclan competition.


Would you know any clan that will be interested in playing against us? From time to time, we also invite some outside clan members as our guests in our RP missions or training sessions, so to exchange what we have learned with them. Any interest?



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

Knights of Alderaan

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Acer Palmatum,

Let me introduce myself. I am Tzuriel Azar current padawan of Jedi Master Haras Media. Ric is correct in saying that you are indeed a wise person. I commend the way that you have approached this.

I joined the Knights of Alderaan last May, It took me about 3 weeks to become an Initiate. During my time as a candidate, I spent time on the KA Servers, meeting the Order Members, learning a lot from them. I too was a complete Noob when I started.

After I became an Initiate, I became friends with a Jedi Knight named Kroth Er'BlKar. When he wasn't training his padawan, he took time out to help me improve my saber skills. He was also instrumental in helping my develope my RP skills. As well as Knight Kroth, All the other knights are also really good and willing to help you in area's that need improvement

All this said, I would just encourage you to look into the Knights of Alderaan. All the Knights are great, and the padawans are normally willing to help out if there are no knights available or on the server. My experience thus far has been nothing short of great.

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