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protest sign slogans

Darth Homer

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this is an idea that I got from a forum one of my friends frequents, I won't tell you which one or give any links 'cause it has naughty words in it...


anywho, one of their forum peoples was going to a protest rally and wanted ideas for slogans...everyone immediately responded with weird ideas, such as:




*= w/ purch of another Mumia of equal or lesser value


I wanted to know what you people might come up with. :D

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Mumia is actually a guy in prison in Philadelphia convicted of shooting a police officer...many people around the world want him freed (just search for "Mumia" on any engine to find out what I mean).

Now, the reason he's in jail is that he has been convicted of shooting a police officer...go here for a non-sensational covering of his side of the story


Here is something off of Court TV's web site that gives good info too


so, the joke above, "Free Mumia w/ purchase of Mumia of equal or lessser value", was making fun of all these people that are protesting for his release....and now that I've had to explain it, it's lost all of it's humor value


oh, and sorry for making this a news thread, Eets

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