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Don't Download Jediplus!!!


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I couldn't believe this myself, but I bet NONE of you knew that JediPLUS gives BOFH secret access to your server through some code he placed in there. So effectively, he can control your server if he joined it! I saw this in action tonight on a server I was playing on. Apparently this sliver of code gives him free will to screw around with anyone's server! He even threatened to bring down my friend's (TMBJ) server if it was running JediPLUS.


Not only is this unethical, it is highly illegal and DEFINITELY against any moral laws that exist today. I suggest someone decompile his mod (if possible) and check his source code.


Once again, this is NOT a lie, a hoax, or a joke. This is 100% serious. BOYCOTT this mod, and DO NOT download it or put it on your server!

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The sites that host it should remove the file and then contact the author, saying that it has been removed, and that it will only be added again if he sends them a copy without the little bit of code that allows him to screw around.


Yay, 100th post:D :D

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Originally posted by jimclare1

one thing that bothers me, people can compile source code, so why in gods name can you people not do it in reverse to get SP source code. please explain


it just doesn't work that way....

it's a one way only compilation....

can't go back....

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THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO BACKDOORS OR HACKS IN JEDIPLUS. I REPEAT NO BACKDOORS OR HACKS. In order to prove this I have sent a copy of the source code to Invader of jediknightii.net and i will be sending a copy to ExIt of Jk2files.com


These are head file admins there, and will clear up the situation. As for the people who keep accusing me of such, you had better stop as I will start sending e-mails to server admins, forum admins and the file sites, notifying them of your repeated false accusations which are also known as harassment.


There is no reason to degrade something if there is no proof that something is wrong with it, especially now that the people who run the file sites now have the source code.

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All I have to say is BOFH has been helpful and always there to respond to any questions or suggestions I have to his mod. He has even come to my server and helped me out with questions, etc. If he says there isnt any backdoor then I believe him. Even if there was I wouldnt care... he is distributing a mod of his own work for free, and its not like this thing hasnt been done before.. if you think otherwise your naive.. Programmers all around the world include backdoors in their programs, even the big corps do(what do you think all those security vulnerabilities are that Microsoft and others patch for, not all the time but some of the time its a hidden backdoor that has been discovered). If your afraid of something like this its simple as this.. Dont run the program.. However I would like to say.. the person who posted this article, however reputable they may be has not proven that a backdoor exists(no offense) but that he has been threatened that one does..

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its not difficult to make some hardcoded admincommands. this thing wil not be solved so fast. but with the source code checked and compiled one could compare the file sizes and the content for differences. so even if he somehow manages to keep the size the same by putting other stuff as place holder it would be discovered that its not the same sourcecode as used for the original version (whatever is original about it heh). but the people who run the mod on their servers deserved some backdoors. let him have admin powers. it couldnt get any lamer anyway. the whole thing started wrong, and it doesnt get any better. bofh shouldnt have released that version of jediplus so early with just minor changes and call it jedimod2, 3, 3.3 and stuff.

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BOFH, I am not suprised.


I have never, nor shall I ever use JediPlus. I stay true to JediMod, the only reason that your mod even exists, and you have the scumed jackass reputation you have earned. As a server and clan administrator, I am disgraced by the manner in which you have continuously presented your cheap low-life excuse for a modification, I would suggest you clean up your monstrosious acts, before legal recourse it taken upon your person.

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Even if there was I wouldnt care... he is distributing a mod of his own work for free


Well, I'm going to make 2 points here:

1.) It's not really his own work. 80% of it is from other coders, all he added were a FEW admin commands. Next. *cough*



2.) I have already made the same point Emon did. How do we know he didn't just take the loop of code out of the source before sending it off? And don't get into filesizes, a loop of code that would give him complete server access would only be a few lines at that. As for proof, unfortunately from this point out all I have is my word to offer but I have nothing to gain from this. I'm trying to keep BOFH from getting away with something that is incredibly illegal and highly unethical - nothing more.


And as I stated before BOFH, if you didn't have a loop in your code (which Worr Sonn even said so, then tried to cover it up by saying he thinks 'you removed it') then why did you threaten to bring down the TMBJ server and permaban all the players if they were running JediPLUS? Your screen-name on JK2 is Spectrum is it not?

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In response to all of these accusations, I have agreed (as noted in Jk2Files comments) to allow ONE team of no bigger than three people (to limit the distribution) to decompile JediPLUS. As part of it, if i find more than 1 group or more than 3 people attempting this, all groups will be in copyright violation.


I will also hold them to this as well: THEY MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE ANY OF THE CODE WHATSOEVER once they have finished the decompile. The only thing they will be allowed to communicate is whether or not there are any backdoor in the mod. If there are NONE, as i am 100% sure is the case, I will expect a formal apology from all of the accusers, and from that point on, any further accusations will constitute harassment and/or written slander (libel) and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Also, during the Decompile time, no more degrading comments about the mod either. Anyone who does so will also be commiting written slander (libel), and be prosecuted.

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Oh man, this takes the biscuit.


Also, during the Decompile time, no more degrading comments about the mod either. Anyone who does so will also be commiting written slander (libel), and be prosecuted.


Where did you pull that crap from? That's BS and you know it. Stop using big words to try to make yourself look better. The amount of people who have tried to pull that crap on me at sw.com is laughable.


Programs can't be decomplied to the exact source code. Some of it can be retrived but it will be messy and barely resemble the original source.


Also stop talking like you made this mod all on your own. Most of it is Dest's work. Get a grip on yourself (no, not like that).


People, you can make degrading comments about the mod all you like. It's called an opinion. This nut won't get into much trouble if the accusations are true, but his could get disconnected from his server by his ISP as I'm sure this goes against their T + C.


any further accusations will constitute harassment and/or written slander (libel) and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


On an internet message board? The worst thing that will happen is them getting banned for flaming/trolling. I'm sure they're shaking.

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Someone in IRC who is called Spectrum asked me to help decompiling. I hadend had the time to answer him. he was gone about 10 minutes after he asked.


The problem is: we cannot decompile it correctly. the only thing I can look for is a hardcodet adminpw. But that could even be a string constant allready used ingame. I do not see any posibilities to get it that way.


The idea of compiling the source and check the qvm's is good, but has some problems:

some values are set in dependence of the compiling time/date.

Until we now the exact position of those compiling time dependent or other dependecy's of compiling we cannot do it that way either.

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