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Don't Download Jediplus!!!


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actually he did have permissions and he did give credit. even me is beeing credited for the simple but still usefull saber damage cvars. i think some people here are losing it. face the facts and not the rumors. jedimod itself started as an all in one mod, featuring the mods of a few coders like dest and tchoucky. dest had to leave the intense coding scene for college so he gave out the code and permition to use it. bofh made some mistakes but i still miss the big FACT that he is an evil bastard. please tell me, but not only the one story as he was releasing it under the same name...its getting boring.

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You know, it's even worse when fanboys of the mod come to the rescue just because they want him to release a new version. I'll reserve any personal remarks towards BOFH because I said I would not, and I am a man of honor.


I don't make things up, and I don't start rumors. I am going off of something that personally happened to me on a server that he is on. When I asked Worr Sonn why he didn't just ban BOFH from the server or use a different mod, he didn't comment.


As for solid evidence, of course I can't give any. All I have to offer is my word, which has always been good in the past. I'll be the first to admit when my attitude has gone too far, and I always apologize for it. However, I refuse to be told to shut up about something as serious as this. I thank all the people who agree with me and side with my beliefs, and ask everyone to remain patient.


As for newer versions of J+ being released, there's nothing saying that that single line of code giving him backdoor access will still be there. If anyone can competently read assembly and check the code it will clear everything once and for all. As for decompiling it - nothing legal can be done on BOFH's end (I even researched this) because he doesn't own controlling share of the mod. The OTHER coders do. So, if you are one of those coders that contributed something to his mod, I implore you to post here and say that you do not care if this mod is decompiled.

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Originally posted by DeadlyBOFH

In response to all of these accusations, I have agreed (as noted in Jk2Files comments) to allow ONE team of no bigger than three people (to limit the distribution) to decompile JediPLUS. As part of it, if i find more than 1 group or more than 3 people attempting this, all groups will be in copyright violation.


I will also hold them to this as well: THEY MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE ANY OF THE CODE WHATSOEVER once they have finished the decompile. The only thing they will be allowed to communicate is whether or not there are any backdoor in the mod. If there are NONE, as i am 100% sure is the case, I will expect a formal apology from all of the accusers, and from that point on, any further accusations will constitute harassment and/or written slander (libel) and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Also, during the Decompile time, no more degrading comments about the mod either. Anyone who does so will also be commiting written slander (libel), and be prosecuted.



ok first you do not own anything all u did is add maybe 4 admin cmds and named JediMod to JediPLUS so u wouldn't get flamed. and you cannot legally stake claim to anything that u submit to file sites. all you can do is say " i made and submitted that file".


next, you will NEVER get a formal apology from anyone on these forums. i believe Chrono over you any day. cuz i've been round since you 1st started to make an @$$ of yourself, i even saw a PM that you sent to the guy that made the Grapple code where all u did was curse at him.


last, these forums are not admissable in court so you'd get nowhere in try to sue any of us. and if you did make it that far all they'd do is look into your past statements and evidence against your character. i personally will NEVER use jediPLUS i like JediMod way more plus i believe you ripped the JediMod to make JediPLUS before it was even released. this is my opinion and we all know opinions aren't grounds to sue someone I'd know. being the son a lawyer. so try your best to act all hard and in the end we will know the truth. even if i have to decompile your codes myself. but we know the truth about you anyways so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if these turned out to be tru.

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Originally posted by Zathu Koon

1. Dest, being a very kind man, released his source code, as well as gave BOFH permission to make a spin-off of his mod... Things went rocky from there. You should see some of the logs Dest has posted...


2. Supply and demand...


3. He is just an idiot. Nothing else to say here.




thanks for clearing up #1 above.

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i don't think he can call it "his" mod.....

and btw most code he added wasn't even wrotte by him....


Ok this is my whole arguement.... No one knows the source code.. no one knows if its someone elses or his.. no one knows if there is a backdoor or not. So why dont you get some proof before you come on here and whine... Also he is not laying claim to JK2 he is laying claim to the spinoff version of his mod.


Another issue:

People are whining about the mod updates.... Why are you complaining you should be happy there is a new release all the time with new features.. if you dont like it then shut up and dont download it.. Keeping new updates and features keeps your program alive, and you guys entertained, and so what if there is one every other week or so... Is it that hard to download it.. sheesh....You guys act like he owes you something.. He doesnt if you dont like him or dont like his mod then go play regular JK2, JediMod1.2, or something else.. Hes not forcing you to download his mod, its not like he has a gun aimed at you and if you dont download his mod he will end you. Another thing too.. If you dont want to download the new versions stress to the server admin to not update em.

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Ok, this pointless bickering has gone on long enough. The simple solution to this mess is if you don't trust JediPLUS, DONT DOWNLOAD IT. Simple as that people. Even my 15 yr old sister could figure that one out, and she only talks to friends on the internet. So, enough, if you want to continue this bickering in PM, that's fine, but consider this thread closed!

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