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What's GB2?

Dagobahn Eagle

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It was an idea started a while back and has gained a huge amount of support, with community members adding their thoughts about what a possible sequel should involve in respect to engine, units, civ's etc. At the moment, there is no official word on whether it will happen or not.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Galactic Battlegrounds, and the add on; Clone Campaigns have both sold extremely well. This is a good indicator that LA COULD make a Galactic Battlegrounds 2.


However, when this will be, who knows.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I hope they continue the series all the way up to the Yuuzhan Vong stage. I really want to see Yuuzhan Vong kicking some ass here people. I also want to see a new order of Jedi coming out since they are changing now. They are not the old jedi that much anymore thanks to Jacen. Oh yeah baby. I want to see the Hutts too hehehe. But Yuuzhan I want to see.


Oh yeah a complaint to the Lucas Art. I WANT REBELLION 2!!! I want another space battle game. Rebellion was okay but I have ideas for the next one. So i sent an email with my ideas and guess what the replies was. The lawyers said they cant read that email because they are afraid that I will sue them if I see some of my ideas in their games. I was like what in the world! Oh well.... I just want Rebellion 2 again......




Supreme Warlord

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Warbird - i'll give you a suggestion here, it might help. Companies will not accept your idea's because they may be sued by you for using your idea, instead, send the suggestion to them as a question. For example-


'Will you be making Rebellion 2? By Rebellion 2 i mean a sequel to Rebellion with these features...' etc


Also, do you have an address that i can send my questions to? I only get the same retarded 'you sent it to the wrong place' reply and they never forward for me!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Oh yeah a complaint to the Lucas Art. I WANT REBELLION 2!!! I





Rebellion 2 would be a dream come true for me! hehehehe


Mind you, I put a smile on LAs faces when i kept on about the game. They were shocked people still play it.



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DarthmaulUK - i was wondering if you could do me a favour. I have been trying to ask lucasarts a question for a while, and every time i ask they tell me i havent asked the right people and wont forward my message. Anyhow the question is-


"Will there be a prequel version of 'Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader'? By this i mean using prequel ships, character's etc instead of the trilogy ships, character's. For example-

A-wing = Jedi Starfighter

X-wing = Naboo N-1 Starfighter

Snowspeeder = Republic Gunship

Star Destroyer = Trade Federation Battleship

TIE Fighter = Droid Starfighter"

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