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Theatre: Macbeth


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Hey guys!:)


In case you all missed me this evening (which I know you all did:Dlol), I just wanted to let you know that I went out to the theatre to see Macbeth, the Shakespearean play. And it was absolutely amazing! It was a modernised version of the Shakespeare classic, staring, in the title role, none other than...


...Sean Bean!!!! Yes, you heard me...aka Sean Bean the famous actor...aka Boromir from LOTR...aka Trevelyn from Goldeneye...I could go on:Dlol


Anyways, it was awesome, and I had my own little box up on the side to sit in with an amazing view, it was a great night out:)


Anybody go to the theatre much, or seen any Shakespeare stuff? I love it!:)lol

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Hey guys!:)


In case you all missed me this evening (which I know you all did:Dlol), I just wanted to let you know that I went out to the theatre to see Macbeth, the Shakespearean play. And it was absolutely amazing! It was a modernised version of the Shakespeare classic, staring, in the title role, none other than...


...Sean Bean!!!! Yes, you heard me...aka Sean Bean the famous actor...aka Boromir from LOTR...aka Trevelyn from Goldeneye...I could go on:Dlol


Anyways, it was awesome, and I had my own little box up on the side to sit in with an amazing view, it was a great night out:)


Anybody go to the theatre much, or seen any Shakespeare stuff? I love it!:)lol


Must've been great.


But um Boromir? Did he died a death of many arrows?:D

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That must have been awesome. Sean Bean is supposedly a great Theatre actor, not to mention MacBeth is an awesome story. I've never really been to the "theatre" persay, but I have seen some plays put off by my High School, and my University, but nothing truly professional such as this.


Sean Bean! Man, I would of loved to have seen that. Did he grant autographs after the performance or anything? That'd be cool.

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