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Hey Nitrous, can you send me Freespace 2? I cannot find a copy of it for less than 35 bucks plu sshipping anywhere.....thats alot considering I just paid 42 for GTA: Vice City.

Only Circuit City got it yesterday, everyone else's orders got screwed up and got it today, mind you I got mine today at CC, they are the only non-sold out place in town



Cracken...........you have to have a nVidia graphics card so you can get the Beta Detonator 40's, its under nView in yoru CP then...

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Send me $10 CAN, and I'll send you your 3 CD's and the change.


I have no clue how much S&H would be on 3 slim's, but whatever's left after the $3 for the CD's should be more than enough.


Email me if you want to work out the final logistics.

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