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ARGH, exporting issue.


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I used to make models for quake3 and such, now im trying to get one of my older unreleased models into JO.


I followed the tutorial, everything went fine and all.

Then i opened up the assimilate program, followed the instructions, and BAM, it said "File contains 'cubic' scale key's".


Now, im almost certain that this is because i used the scale tool in 3dmax.

What i dont know however, is how to fix this problem :(


Any help would be appreciated (sp?).



Thought i'd post some pics of the model :





(if geocities is being a *****, copy the url into your clipboard)


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But now im getting another error :

It says a certain .tga files im using is "fully patched" and it should be "local patch" only.


i think this ones pretty ez to fix. copy your tgas to your models' folder in jk2 (ex. jk2/gamedata/base/models/players/yourmodelname)


then goto you material editor in max and change your materials' location to the new where you copied your images to (jk2/gamedata/base/models/players/yourmodelname/youimage.tga) . ugh my grammars terrible i hope u can understand this

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I understood, and now my model is exported correctly.

Well, thats what assimilate says, because when i open my newly created .glm file, some of the body parts are not moving along with the skeleton correctly.


I think that all these "bad parts" have been modified with the mirror tool, but i could be wrong.

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Maybe its because of the mesh itself, if the mesh is too far away from the bone (in this case too big compared to a normal human being), it might distort...try to make it fit onto the skeleton.


i tried to resize/move some parts on my models, when they were too far away it got distorted a lot.


a screenshot from max (wireframe so we can see the bones) and from modview could help.


if your mesh has the right proportions then it's another problem...


Simplest solution: you need to re-weight some parts that are not weighted correctly (not enough, or too much abs).

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The entire mesh is weighted, and it cant be the proportions since the right leg flies all over the place and the left leg moves along with the bones.

The legs are exactly the same, both in weight's and proportions.


An interesting thing is that the head is turned around (back of the head is 'looking' to the front).

I mirrored the head... but that was side ways (left side becoming the right side and vice versa).

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Originally posted by KMan

Maybe this will help. Try using the reset XForm on the model. That might help, maybe.


KMan had the right idea a little earlier. Take the parts that are floating around and unlink them, then apply Reset XForm (located under the utilities tab) re-link and re-weight the body parts. Doing this "Should" fix your problem. I've gotten over a dozen models ingame and the few times I've run into the problem that you describe reseting the XForm did the trick :)

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Oh yeah thats right, when you mirror an object, the pivot point gets screwed up sometimes and you see weird results.


Also, i usually align the pivot points to stupid triangle_off, i dunno if we have to do this in order to export properly but i always align them, cuz thats what raven did.


Xform, what a great tool! :)

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  • 1 month later...

sorry for reviving such an old topic, but I'm haveong problems with reset Xform, and cant find the answer anywhere.



I have a few body parts and tags which are causing problems during export. So I identified these parts, unlinked them, and hit the reset xform button. The tags stay in place but the mesh flies to another location and is deformed.


There is this thing called the gizmo, which is essentially a vertex on the mesh, that stays where the mesh was initially, bu the rest is displaced. So the result is a deformed, moved mesh.


I read that xform would displace things if they were linked but I unlined this body part from all the rest... it STILL gets moved, and deformed.


Is there a way to avoid getting the mesh moved over? can I set another vertex to be the "gizmo" and the center of the mesh? please help. :)

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What is the problem? are you seeing inverted faces on the meshes because of mirrored body parts? if so try this:


Assuming that everything is weighted, all you have to do is add the xform modifier BELOW the skin modifier (move it down in the stack) next you "COLLAPSE TO" xform modifier, not collapse all. I didnt get any deformations after doing it.


Once you have done this, go into sub-object mode, select all the faces of the object you want to fix and flip the faces.

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