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WIP: Naboo Generator


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My new WIP is the Naboo generator. It is until now a very primitive map using existing textures. But I plan it to get bigger and bigger and then be THE Naboo Generator. Happy I have the film on DVD...

How can I make a "fall" trigger which kills the player and plays this falling character animation?


Thanks in advance,



TIP: Don't let anyone Force Push you in my new map. Or you will have to say bye-bye.

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Use trigger_hurt. Make a brshu (or more than one) to cover the whole area where you want to hurt the player, then make it into a trigger_hurt. Cover it by the System / Trigger texture and set the damage value what you want. You can read detailed informations about trigger_hurt in the entites window.

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hehe theres quite a few version of the naboo generator in the works, so youll need to do a good job. I suppose youve noticed from watching the dvd that they actually go back the wrong way when qui gon knocks maul down HEHEE


Also watch the making of thing on the dvd it shows them jumping upto the higher level.


But if ya want inspiration play my FFA_episode 1 map


it has had over 70000 downloads, cant believe ya missed it though



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Originally posted by ondrahosek

Trigger texture? Ah haaah... To answer your question about the generator, it IS the Duel of The Fates thing here. If that already exists...we'll see which is better!


IF it already exists? Have you been living under a rock? ;)


Check this map out by Livingdeadjedi... Screenshots


This is a HUGE undertaking for a 1st project... i'm not quite sure you know what you're getting into. But if you think you can do better, your welcome to try. But lets see some screenshots when you get around to it. :D

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Not to discourage you, Ondra. But in addition to the map that Anakin listed, I've almost finished a re-make of that map. Screenshots for it are at http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/dotf.html


And Anakin has a point about this being a huge undertaking. I had NO IDEA when I started how hard and time consuming it was going to be. Good Luck though, and be sure to keep us updated on your progress.


Best of luck, man.

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