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Making a map and I want to...


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Thank you from saving me from the hole of doom. I found this in that file.SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- BSP ----

SetQdirFromPath: no 'base' in D:\JEDIKN~2\DAN'SM~1\TEST.MAP

SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- Vis ----

SetQdirFromPath: no 'base' in D:\JEDIKN~2\DAN'SM~1\TEST.MAP

SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


----- Lighting ----

SetQdirFromPath: no 'base' in D:\JEDIKN~2\DAN'SM~1\TEST.MAP


Do i need to change one of my directories?

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LOL last question I hope. It says this on the tutorial site I am on, "Fill the volume of your tub

or whatever with a brush that will become the bottom, sides, and

the surface of the liquid. Now with the brush selected go to the

textures option on the toolbar and load 'common' and then

choose the 'no draw' texture."


What is the no draw texture in jk2?

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For a circle you can use the simple patch mesh. Other idea is to make a cylinder, cap it, then delete the cylinder and one of the caps. :)


If you want to use sky you have to put brushes where you want to see it and apply one of the sky shaders on the apropriate faces. This doesn't mean to make a big box around your map. Use this only where you really need it. You can find the sky shaders in the skies texture group. They look like little boxes with SKY on them and a white box around them. Not use the big pictures, they will not work.


It is system/nodraw not common/nodraw. And it just makes the engine not to draw the face which it is applied on. In the tutorial you have to use this because the pool is wider than the tube and you don't want shadows in the middle of the water with no reason or source.

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BAH NOT ANOTHER ONE. Yes it is true, I have yet another question. I am making a circular hole in the middle of my map for a pool. I have tried to do it so that it is like I am connecting 2 rooms together but when I do it, it cuts out a square shape instead of a circular shape when I do it. What do i do? SORRY! THX

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Couple things... looking at your screenshots, it appears you've used the yavin sky texture, not a sky shader outside your window. The yavin sky shader is located in skies directory, and it's got a white line around it. If you've done it right, you shouldn't see the picture of the sky in Radiant - you should see the word "sky" textured over and over and over... in game it will appear as it should.


As for the square hole when you want a circle... instead of using a patch mesh circle, make 4 bevels of equal size, put caps on them and arrange them so they appear as a circle.


And try to avoid the CSG Subtract and Hollow buttons... beginners often overuse it (I know I did) and they usually cause big problems (like leaks).

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