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WIP: Boba Fett's Blaster (its my first model so don't laugh!)


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You might want to take a perspective capture of that model... from the image shown there, you really can't get a good idea of the model at all. Just looks like a couple of cylinders from the angles shown.


And hey, don't worry about it being your first model. You'll learn a lot just from doing it, and probably have more to come after this one. Let's see another shot of the blaster. :)

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its obvious you left the defaults on when making those cylinders. in your recent pic, look at the biggest cylinder, you can see it has 4 rings in the middle of it, these are called segments. when you make a cylinder, you can see under its properties two very important parts, 1. Segments and 2. Sides. these properties determine how many polys your cylinder will have. always set your segment to 1, this will eliminate all the extra rings. and choose an appropriate number of sides so that its not overly round but not too boxy.


to check the poly count, goto utilities (the hammer picture, not the name Utilities on top). there should be an option called polycount or something.

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nice model!

as for getting ingame: there are 2 files u need to replace (well, 3). replacing the briar pistol, these are:




these are the internal and external models, and the skin, respectively.

to get ingame:

first, make sure u have a tag_flash in the model, and in the right place, and that the 0,0,0 co-ordinate is in the grip of the gun, near the top of it. then, export your model as c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol.md3

next, open assets0.pk3 in winzip and extract briar_pistol_hand.md3 into c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol, and then open it. your weapon model will be loaded into it. click animations -> play and watch the anim. as it moves along, not the dip down but the slide, take note of which way your model is facing. i guaruntee it wont be inline. as i recall, it will be 90 degrees out in 2 of the 3 planes. in the default view of birar_pistol_hand.md3, it should be aligned to face u side on, with the back to the left. however, it will be pointing down and facing the wrong way. go back into gmax, rotate the model 90 degrees in 2 axes (i forget which - try wm out) and re-export, then reopen briar_pistol_hand.md3 and see if its inline. keep trying until it faces right. watching the anims, it should move backwards on the slide and dip down at the front during the curve. as far as i know, these are the anims for firing and taking the weapon out. once this is right, go back to gmax, and move the model about a grid square forward and to the left (looking at it from above). re-export, and u should b done for this bit. now, move it back to where the handle is over 0,0,0 and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise around the axis that runs front to back while looking at the model from behind. rotate and realign tag_flash and then export as c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol_w.md3

open this in md3view, and click file -> export as GLM click through the popups, and then close. put the model texture into the c:/models/weapons2/briar_pistol folder, and then run winzip. create a zip file called "gun.pk3" (including the speech marks) in the GameData\base folder of ur JKII install, and add briar_pistol.md3, briar_pistol_w.glm and briar_pistol.jpg to it, saving full path info. then, run the game, and ur model should b ingame with any luck.

i hope thats not too complicated, i have a habit of going over the top as it were. if u have any trouble, just ask, either post here or mail me (mat_howe@hotmail.com).

the method i outlined above works fine for me, except that the model is seethrough in first person. fine in 3rd, invisible in 1st. its there, and its onscreen (cos i can see where the shots come from), but its not there. does anyone else have this problem, or know how 2 solve it? sorry to post a slightly flawed method, its probably summat simple ive missed, but if anyone could help id appreciate it.

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:drop2: long explaination but in time ill be able to read it, i think the only question i have left is how to skinmap? thanks to everybody who has helped so far! i never thought i'd learn so much on the first day of modeling! in 7 hours i already almost have a completed model!
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theres a basic skinmapping tutorial about halfway down my basic saber modelling tutorial at http://www.btinternet.com/~howe_alison/brothers/tutorial/gmax_jkii_tutorial.htm

that should cover about all u need to know to get started, altho i can guaruntee that when u get into skinmapping u will regret becoming a modellor. thats why i started using 3dsmax and the ChilliSkinner plugin (very handy!!)

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