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WIP: Boba Fett's Blaster (its my first model so don't laugh!)


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awww dude ....you got the bruce lee quote wrong


Think of water. It becomes everything you put it into. Put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water changes so it works with the enviroment and not conflict with it. Water can flow, or it can crash with mighty power. Be water my friend.


there :p

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ive got 2 different and opposite opinions now what? one says its too big the other says its too small!


No they aren't. The guns is big too big and the barrel needs to be longer aren't two conflicting things. You can scale it down a bit to reduce the size. And you can drag verticies to make the barrel longer. (If you don't know how to drag vertices I can explain it to you as I use Gmax.)

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ok, scaling: this involves the Uniform Scale tool. select the piece that needs to be scaled (it has to be a seperate mesh from the rest of the model), then select the Uniform Scale tool from the toolbar (its a pair of boxes, next to Rotate) and click on the piece, then drag up (i think up anyway). this will make the piece bigger, but keeping proportions. stop dragging when its the right size. if the bit ur resizing is part of another mesh, select the mesh, go down to the Vertex Editing sub-level (2nd tab from left on the toolbox on the right, and its the button that looks like a bunch of dots), select all the vertices that are part of the bit ur resizing but not any of the rest then use the Uniform Scale button as above.


dragging vertices to make the barrel longer: go down to the Vertex sub-level of the barrel mesh as above, then select all those on the end of the barrel (ie the circle at the top of the cylinder). then just extend the barrel by moving the vertices along with the Move tool. come out of the Vertex sub-level by pressing the Vertex button again (all the dots) then select those bits that are around the end of the barrel and move them along so they match up with the end.


there u go! simple!

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Ok here is how you drag vertices in Gmax. I sugest you test this a a cylinder or something that doesn't have to do with you model.





First hit the button I have circled in Light blue in the pic above. That is manipulate. This must be in to do many of Gmax's funtions.

Then right click on the cylinder(Just a note make sure that you have as many segments as you need because you can't change it once you do this.) and go down to where it says convert to. Once the sub menu pops up hit "convert to editable mesh".


Next hit what I have circled In yellow in the pic above.





Go down to to where is says "Editable Mesh" and push the plus sign to bring out a menu. Hit the line that says "Vertex". And it is just click and drag from here.




And see you can make complex, longer, and other shapes without raising your polygon count alot.


Good luck.


P.S. If the links doesn't work I can make a page on my site.

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the model is getting all these errors on it so im starting a new one, this one WILL be Boba Fett's Blaster sound good? I'm going to come back to this model but i already connected everything and now i cant edit the model so with my new found knowledge (thanks guys!) im going to make a knew one! and it will be very good! don't give up on me though im 110% sure ill need some help! ill continue to post the new WIP here! hows that sound everyone?:D:fett:'s :charric: is on its way!

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even if u've attached the meshes then u should b able 2 edit at vertex level, but boba fett's blaster does sound like a rather good idea...


as for tags: to make a tag, use the 2D elements panel of the toolbox on the right, the tool u are looking for is the Line tool. then, draw a right-angled triangle. simple. now go to vertex mode, then select the move tool and put each points co-ords in by hand (round numbers are best, it doesnt matter where this puts the tag as u can always move it). one of the sides (not the hypotenuse) should be twice as long as the other (not the hypotenuse). a good set of coords would be the first point at (0,0,0), the next at (2,0,0) and the other at (2,1,0). then, exit vertex mode, name the piece tag_flash and move it to sit in the barrel of the gun, with the shorter edge where the shot wants to come out and the longer edge moving back away into the gun, like this:


| |

| tag_flash | | Direction of fire -->

| ______| |


barrel of gun


ok, so its not a great diagram, and the hypotenuse is missing, but hey, it should help u get the idea. this is an important thing to remember to do, as it tells the game where the gun needs to fire from, and in what direction.



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