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Everquest Online Adventures... (&SWK)

Ohn Ruukon

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I LOVE RPG's! But Nothing irks me more than dishing out between $30 - $60 for a game and being told I will have to dish out an additional $10 - $20 a month just to be able to play it! :mad:


Think about it, over a year's time you would have paid anywhere from $150 - $300 to play a video game (That's just ONE year!)! That's outright insanity! :eek:


No thanks, you can keep your Ultima's, your Everquest's and your Star Wars: Galaxies'!


(Though it pains me deeply to say no to a Star Wars Title, especially an RPG Star Wars Title!) :(

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Originally posted by Eets

Have faith, Brother Havoc.


There's still SWKnights! ^_^


Oh, Brother Eets ...


Thou just remembered me of that great joy of a game. There is gonna be RPG for all ye Star Wars fans with little cash.


(Maybe I suck at old english ... but ask me to do old dutch and you see what I can do :D)

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