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Originally posted by LBuRNa

why is it called a black board when its green???????


Because they weren't always green. It goes back to when it started, and the boards were black. It's one of those things that just can't kick it's name, no matter how much it changes. :D

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Originally posted by PhantomHelix

for the blackboard thing, its just got to do with the English language. why do ppl sometimes name their white dog Blackie? or their black dog Whitey?


why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?


its all strange.......


LOL, some of the inconsistances with the English language are quite funny. However, the blackboard thing has nothing to do with that. The original blackboard was literally black, hence the name.

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*dueling bajos is heard, dath enters*





i now have a rat i can make fun of!

he he he....yeah.................


anywho im dath, the local idiot! ignore me and you will be fine, also it good to keep you wallet on a chain, otherwise it will be stolen by me


*leaves to dueling banjos*

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