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Where are the Co-op multiplay Modes and Mods?


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I read a while back about a group that had unlocked the Co-op Multiplay mode for story scenarios. What happened to this?


I have seen some Mods that plan on using this to create co-op multiplay games, but have any been released?


I tried to search this forum but the feature seems to be de-activated.


I would really appreciate if someone could point me to the information.



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ask you're wrong on this one :)


he is talking about the co-op mod by the wired lamp studios...

it aimed to allow multiple players to play the single player jk2 maps....


however they released the code under GPL but currently no mod has ever used it and no specific maps have been made for it...


(sp maps can be used ,but i think this kind of mod require new maps.)

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oh right, my bad

that's what you get when you are sick and can't think clear


The mod stopped developing since the guys stumbled on a physical engine limitation - max of 256 entities for an MP map (probably because the entities indices are transferred to client in an array and there's a limit on the amount of data getting transferred)

Since 99% of SP maps have alot more than 256 entities, converting them to Co-Op is not possible

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Originally posted by razorace

Well, technically it's possible. You are just limited to 256 entities. :) Plus, the code that was released isn't completed. The AI doesn't work worth squat.

dest had it working in one of the earlier jedimods... he had rodians parading behind reelo. :D and he set up stormtroopers to guard us. >D

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