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Goals in Life: The Wondering Rant


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ok, i'm bored and out of a job, and am getting extremely bored of downtime being filled with pointless threads that drunk people would make....soooooo.......let's talk about our pathetic little lives that have no meaning since we all die sometime or another. (isn't that an encouraging thought?)


You're listening to massinova....request your music live at massinova.com/main.net! ok just had to put that in there for no apparent reason (i had 1 too many cokes so i'm allowed)


My life:


I've recently moved to this poor, sad country called Lititz, Pennsylvania. I moved here on august.


I've applied to alot of places since september, and have had 2 interviews so far. I'm trying to get any type of job i don't care anymore. Anyways....the 2 interviews come and go, and the positions have been filled cause someone most likely payed the company to burn my application. :rolleyes:


I've been home almost every day so far, i only go outside when i want to ride my bike or grab an application to keep me from getting too bored (they are fun filling out...i'm going to grab a few from various places, and write in things like for criminal stuff like my name being 'Kioet Csuhen' crimes are i killed someone for a soda, that'd be hilarious especially fi i got caught)


ANYWAYS....all this boredom has caused me to stay on the forums 3/4 of the day. sick isn't it? I have been thinking though, what if i went to college? would my life be any different? probably not, i'd probably be shot on site, or die from studying or lack of these forums, which have kept me from complete loneliness while i lived in florida (florida was OK, but not in summer, i'd never go outside the cursed humidity prevented that, and there were no friends around and i was homeschooled all through highschool, i don't miss florida too much except all the cool stores were close by and so was the theatre..damn PA, get with it.) so we moved to PA, and i have some friends around, but of course, me being the oldest, i don't go to school since i graduated, so it's basically the same situation as in florida...only i'm trying to get a job.


I was wondering if I did want to go to college, what would it be like, what classes would I want to take, would the money I put into the classes get me a better job if i succeeded in the classes, since obviously nobody wants to hire me now, why would they want to hire me then? I have no money to buy a car, and no money to pay for gas if i did have a car, all the cool jobs are to &@#$ing far away to ride my bike, unless i wanted to get run over by some freaking SUV or mini****tyvan.


Life is just boring as anything for me right now, I wish someone would hire me. I'm getting so bored that I'd work for $6 an hour, even $5 an hour as long as I don't have to work myself to death.


I think the next interview I get, I'll just tell them everything the WANT to hear that'll make them hire me, unless the job sounds stupid.


Maybe I'm not supposed to get a job. Maybe I'm supposed to be a volunteer. i don't know. but the first job i get, i'm going to make an overly-good impression, and work the hardest ,and if anyone has a problem with me (in other words, they see me as a threat to their promotion) i'll do something that'll get them SOOOOOOOO fired.


ok, i'm better now. carry on.

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Well currently i haven't really have anything to complain about my life latey, other then i work and not have any money, cus i buy good stuff that i need :cool:


but anywho i can't make much cus the education cuts only let my co-op only let me work 15 hours a week instead of 20 which i should. i only get $144 +/- a bi-weekly check (so im broke for two weeks). So i can't watch Ep2 on an I-Max.


im sick of all the crap on TV about attack iraq, it'll only blow right back in our faces if we go to war.


I've known Cracken to live in the rochester area and NEVER FRICKEN MET THE GUY IN PERSON, which sorta pisses me off :p (from what i know he lives about 45-60min from me (not much to say, but a simple visit to gates' I-Max would fix that :p))

Bill's (RFH) as far as i know has been wiped off the face of the planet for all i know. he better come to my graduation party (that goes for you two SXW, Jango and Cracken :p)


hmm, what else, um, basically that'll do for now :p

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Well, I just got home from my Dad's. He was giving me a ride to Drill on Saturday and Sunday. I actually had fun at work for once. Traininjg for the Army is actually a worthwhile experience (And if ya think about joining now thanks to me, lemme know and you can sign up under me). The National Guard is my only source of income at the moment, my first promotion isn't until February though, when I'm in Boot Camp, so I'm making basically minimum wage for the army. Anyways, I'm at the most boring time in my life, my friends have either moved away, go to school, or elsewhere (friend of mine and Jango's just left for Boot Camp on November 1st. Anyways, I can't find a job other than my Army job, as the bastards won't hire me, maybe after I turn 18 on Saturday, I'll have a better chance.


And Scar, unless your graduation party is at the end of August or begining of September, I probably can't make the party. I won't be back from AIT (Advanced Individual Training, comes after Boot Camp) until about August.

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