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EMI Technical Question


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I fully expect no-one being able to truly help here, but I thought I'd ask anyway... I was wondering if there was any feasible way of getting rid of that damned "CD" loading icon? I've found the TGA file within one of the .m4b files ("local.m4b" to be precise) and was wondering if there's any way of getting the file unarchived and editing the file into something a little more "piratey" (like a skull or something!).


Of course you'd probably need to archive it up again :/


Anyone got any clues?




~ John

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Short answer, yes you can extract and edit but putting it back into the game is a different matter entirely.


To extract and edit:

Dump the file using scummrev3

The file will have a '.tga' extension but it isnt, its a tga inside a gzip archive so add the extension '.gz'.

Open the file in winzip and extract the tga inside.

Edit the tga as you wish.


Putting it back in (for the time being at least) isnt really worth it. I believe that MI4 still uses offsets so the edited gzip'ed file must be exactly the same size. I had a quick go at hex editing the file back in over the old one and it didnt work properly. I might have a proper go at it another time.

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