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New JK2 Video


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Hey guys, I finally finished the vid I've been workin on since the last skills vid. You'll need latest version of divx if you don't have it yet (http://www.divx.com) to watch the video. Here's where you can get it:



-right click the link and choose 'save target as'


it's a really big file, 200 megs, but I think you'll find the dl worth it.

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i cant get it , when i click the link it wont dl.... ill try again l8r, ur videos rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fett:

Hey man im makin a vid, the problem is it needs to be .bmp i could go through each one and save it as .bmp but i dont want to, is there any way i could change them all the bmp at once, or make the shots save it self into .bmp?????????????? plz help.

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Hmmm...I was thinkin...y duznt some1 make a saber duel video. Do sum awesome moves and stuff and add those sfx that nutritious has on his vid and it'd be the sweetest thing ever. Anyway, I'm just suggesting an idea. Oh, and by the way, ur video is awesome nutritious....Man....so much killing.

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the reason nut doesnt make saber videos is... well ... because that would be boring... imagine him kicking someone to death or lunging them to kill them? what is he gonna do? stab them in midair? that's real exciting!!! /end sarcasm

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