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i totaly agree with razorace. i have simmilar ideas too, but no skill to do. i depend on guys like jaii who lends his skills. thats why duel_se is not a radical mod but one which changes little things thus making it fast to be finished. how long are you already working on masters of the force? stuff like that will take forever to ballance the rpg like system. but i would be worth the time...

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

John Carmack said, "Ideally, game programming is done in groups of one."


me = devil's advocate :D


No, Carmack is God, not the devil.


I'd just like to see some collaboration, but it looks like that won't happen :(

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i personaly don't know if i like masters of the force in detail but razorace is making it tasty. and jaii seems to have the same oppinion. so we will contribute our code(95% jaii's code heh) to them if needed. the guys seem to know what could have been. the time was right, the engine was right, but the game concept was not right! who talks about the singleplayer part now? there is just a bunch of modders who try to save the crapy mp part...

don't be mad at BOFH, he just does what he did before. it's still not that easy merging mods together. it's not like just paste and copy. mabe he would not just merge them but making the features also work together. duel_se for example has many features created with only duel in mind for the league. ffa with weapons is screwed. so if he takes time he changes the scoring system and stuff like that. but that was just an example, for i am not sure if we will give him our code yet. i will have to discuss things with jaii, but in the end it's his decision. and i will not persuade him but rather talk about pros and contras....

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Excellent, anyone (Jaii and Nitemare) interesting in making a uber mod, please PM me for contact information.


A chat season to discuss this would be great. While the forums are ok, there's a time delay and every numbnut in the universe throws in their two cents of stupid. :D


I normally hang out on most of the messenger services and in #motf and #jediknight at gamesnet.net.

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He didn't say that BOFH. He said don't rush things, give them some time to be tested. Hopefully this IS the only version you release. However, (and my comments were unnecessarily deleted from your release thread) please see to it that if it's NOT the last version, that you release a simple patch for future fixes.

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have you followed the history of jedimod 2-4? or jedi plus1-4 ?

way to many releases, and all had the big hiltpack in them and so on...

to all those who tell us that we should let him be and just don't download his mods: he asks for advice and we give it to him. everybody who posts in here and wants some feedback would be happy about crono mots or my high quality advice! so back off

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yeah that's a feature that does not make the round quite often. and it is the main reason why so many admins put jediplus instead of jedimod on...

it seems that only a few people are concerned about server admin functions. i am out of the game since i am making a ladder and jaii made this super password system with a namelist and stuff. but that's not a sollution for everyone. especialy not for those who want to keep their servers realy free for all without forcing players to register. but i went that way already and now i can realy say that i don't care about those sunday jk2 players who check in on occasion. so admins who depend on a daily changing player number and quality, need good admins and good admin functions....

try some new ways of admin features! rcon commands are to slow sometimes. it has to be quicker. what if an admin could have a slap gun?! or a sleep gun?!

it doesnt have to look like a gun and it should somehow work in spec mode too. so admins could watch everywhere and just aim at the mofoz...

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well, the good thing about that is that all you would have to do to sleep or silence someone for example, is just target them in your reticle, type what you want to appear on the screen, then press enter.


Then, voila, no one ever sees you stopping in the middle of a fight or anything, and admins can go undercover :)


Of course, keep it so that you can use admin commands while in spectator mode and stuff...just add another set that uses the reticle for admin stuff.

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a possible aproach at this could be the duel challange button. u target a player and it executes a command. that would be way cool. but i want to move further away from this lamers playground. admins shouldn't need to do that all the time. but what can u doo if u don't want to make players register an account on your website...

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Well, actually, there's some things you could do. Develop a gameplay system that systematically weeds out the lamers, while being fair.


Of course, what you are suggesting by saying "I want to control the lamers but I don't want to be controlling" is sort of an oxymoron.

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