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Star wars Episode 2 DVD


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Yes! Her boobies shake like.. err, uh, yeah! I loved that scene!


I wish they would have included more of the scenes like the commando raid on the control ship, and the extended garage scene.


Padme is great and all, but god, nearly ALL of the deleted scenes are focused on her!


They should have called it Episode II: The One About Padme..

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hum...i will have to check out that obi-won part when i get home.........................




I watched all the extra content - i just wish it would show more! I want more damnit! I felt like all I got was some home videos of a couple...gay guys...*if you saw it you know what I mean* and some trailers! Blah


I did like the "story" "love" and "action" things those were good...i just wish he would have gone more into why he chose the stuff he did for the story.



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Originally posted by STTCT

i liked the scene with Padme's family!!! WHY did they take that out!


Well ... maybe because Padmé is a bit too skinny there ... The scene was in the book btw, so I knew it already :p


and the mace/obi-wan scene at the landing platform ... that was such a bad copy and paste job. You can see the background is not real by looking at Obi's hair ... báááád job there.

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