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Bad trip---weed


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Originally posted by NerfYoda

I'm not even going to try reading all that crap. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.


If english isn't your 1st language your post is forgivable, but jesus man, I cant understand a damn thing youre saying.


Yeah..what he ^^ said! :mad:

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Originally posted by NerfYoda

I'm not even going to try reading all that crap. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.


If english isn't your 1st language your post is forgivable, but jesus man, I cant understand a damn thing youre saying.

:werd: fix that mess and i might read it. Maybe if you are taking anti-depressants (or may have forgotten to) that might have something to do with it. Because my roomate takes it and when he stops takin it he gets all weird like that.
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