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GTK/Jk2 radiant


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Well, I have heard some good things about GTK but I currently have JK2 radiant.


I would like to know:

1)Which one very experienced mappers like Shadriss, Jedi_Anakin_S, AKPiggot, and others use?

2) If I know how to use JK2 radiant do I know how to use GTK or do I need a tutorial?

3)Can I download GTK and try it out and if I like it more thank JK2 radiant delete JK2radiant?

4)If I have a wip in JK2 radiant can I transfer it to GTK?

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1. Probably.


2. GTKRadiant is a lot like JK2Radiant. You edit the same way, it just has better GUI control, lots of extra features. You don't need any tutorials for it. All Q3Radiant based editors are mostly the same.


3. You can delete JK2Radiant, but I wouldn't. It DOES have a few, small features that GTKRadiant doesn't have yet, plus it takes up very little space, better to keep it in there.


4. Yes.

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1. I use GtK Radiant, version 1.1.10 (until 1.1.11 comes out... it's gonna be sweet). I know that some people (like Livingdeadjedi) prefer JK2, but to each his own.


2. Essentially, yes. There are a couple differences. Mostly they're just cosmetic, but some of them are time savers.


3. Of course.


4. Absolutely.


And you can download GtK Radiant and all it's updates at...



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