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Fav skins/models


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I don't use nor have downloaded any of the Star Wars skins except for Vader.


I like the non Star Wars skins like LOTR, and the comical ones like Duffman.


But that's because I don't take my gaming seriously. I think a lot of people use skins like Darth Maul and Luke Skywalker because it empowers them and helps them live out a 'Star Wars fantasy'


Me? I like jokes and comedy in my games. I avoid seriousness whenever I can, and that includes using Star Wars skins.


My favorite skin is Duffman! "Duffman can never die! Only the actors who play him!" But nobody has downloaded him cuz they have this Star Wars fixation! Damn!


Too bad there aren't too many non Star Wars skins out there for JK2 like there is for The Sims...

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