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its been more than an year

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since we last did MI story. and since we are in a reminiscing mood, lemme start a new one:

(remember guys, dont make your posts too big, 10 lines max)




Guybrush was wandering around, still stunned by his last adventure, trying to remember where in the fuzzy-nuzzy hell all that porcelaine came from, and wot did that naked LeChuck had to do with anything, when suddenly he tripped on a...

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... A body. Murry needed a strong body to take over the world. He was secretly gealous ever since he read the paper about some rash cow tipping. Murry looked down at Guybrush and said "Guybrush, your body is crap! I nned a body like LeChuck's if I ever want to beat that...

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...toilet...so guybrush took down his pants and started pushing out those old bananas he ate for lunch the other day...when all of a sudden he realised there is no TOILET PAPER!!! so naked and ashamed, with bits of poo still up hit butt, our hero ran out from the toilet and...

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dancing pink elephants :elephant: on his line. so he went back to stan and locked him in his dressing room whilst he stole the pants. as being previously owned pants, he looked inside to find...







(and BTW, it hasn't been a year, i little after i started posting, december last year i think, i started on of these on mi discussion, but it didn't go very far. oh well)

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burst into the strip tease room dressed in a pink dress (the one GB was wearing before)and shouted "I'm out of the closet!" and tried to attack guybrush for locking him in the closet. when all the people in the bar started pushing dollar bills in stans pink dress....stan, blinded by the money, started...

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inflated duck float. when he was almost leaving the shore a huge wave threw him back in the prision. and the pirates had burst the blow-up doll! and the police had already fixed the destroyed wall!! (actually, they had just attached a huge cardboard to the perpendicular walls, but it was enough to stop the pirates). so gb took a pencil and...

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