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Saber Throw in duels?


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Saber throw is canon? Why because Vader threw his saber ONCE to get Luke down from a catwalk? You think he used it as a primary attack as it is being used in this game? Especially with the throw, then pull exploit so that it's a guaranteed hit everytime? Sorry, but Vader used it to get Luke down off the catwalk, not as a primary attack to kill him with.

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I think it's "unrealstic". You should lose your saber 70% of the time. (Like...try throwing your saber at Tavion in SP.)


I does too much damage compared to normal swings and hits more effectively (especially if used in combination with pull).


Spamming anything is lame --> Spamming throw (or the Bryar) is lame.


There is a reason why so many duel servers have throw disabled.


I want a duel to be fast and furious, not a throw-contest.


It seems that often when you get a good hit in, the opponent turns into a chicken. Every time you swing, he/she throws and backs up. Very frustrating. Personally I hate tossers.


On the other hand - why should someone stop spamming just because I don't like it? It's my problem, not theirs. But since the thread-starter asked for opinions, this is mine:


Spamming saber throw in (NF)duels = a boring duel.

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I was on a server yesterday. If you're against saber throw, do NOT join the SF|Sanguis Frater duel server. It's ip is

First off it's full force, which I don't mind, but not one saber swing was made. Not one. Each and every "duel" consisted of who could pull-kick-throw the best. Not one normal saber swing/move. It was quite annoying.

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Blueyonder has two duel servers. Saber only and the only forces which you can spend points on are Saber Attack / Saber Defend / Jump.


They're pretty much the most popular duel servers in the UK.


Think that answers the question.

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