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The Dark Alliance is here


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It´s a bit too hard for my taste but I really liked the cutscenes+story !


9/10 (10 would be developer quality :D )


To all who have not downloaded it yet: DOWNLOAD AND PLAY IT!


I hope I find the time to include that much ingame cutscenes in my mod... but it´s still very hard work.

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Great level man! Just one thing wrong that I spotted with it: The Reborn move around too fast, their running speed is too high. It just kind of takes the fun out of the Reborn fights....slow it down to normal and it'd be even greater. :)


Keep up the SP levels, I cant get enough! =)

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I personally didn't like it as much as the other people do. For one, the map is too dark (you're a goner in that stupid dark maze if your batteries ran out. I really wish we had force seeing). Also the reborns move ridiculously at high speeds, you miss your slash and then they just slash right by you. In most cases you need to do like 3-5 slashes to kill them (with g_saberrealisticcombat on) while they only need to do like 1 (without shielding). Oh and because of that, I had to result to countless force push to win. The sith warrior was ok, but he took like 15+ heavy slashes (while on the ground) to beat. Luckily it was easier in the end of the game. I guess I would give it a



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