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Types of lag


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have u noticed in different games the lag runs differently. in tribes 2 there was trigger lag, UT and JK are older games and don't seem to have much lag control. This means that the people can be really far in their actual locationfrom their appaarent location that you view.


ive noticed that Jo pretty much the person is where you see them and no lead aim is needed. am i right? or is a little lead aim needed.


can someone explain to me how trigger lag works and how JO's lag works?

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o well i was talking about how does jo lag work. cuz in some games where you see someone isn't where they really are . so u could shoot them 10 times directly and they would live. and when it looks like u miss they die. in jo it seems no lead aim is needed or very little. however, if there is lag the lagger will stop moving.

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Well what happens for mw is that I see someone and I shoot at them but I'm the one that is really standing on the other side of the map. This happened to me several times where I would run around and shoot at people and then someone would kill me and I would be standing at the other end of the map. And I have DSL. :D

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Well, there are at least 3 ways you can lag, from what I've seen in JK2...


A low frame rate will cause, not only YOUR screen to be choppy, but to your opponents, you will also appear to be a bit laggy.


Also, if you look at your lagometer... when the top bar is all yellow, you lag are frozen in place, but you can still chat... but when the green bar is filled all the way, you're totally lagged out...


The way it would appear to me, is this:


In some situations, you lag where you're truely lagging, you'll take damage while you're lagging... this is because the information come TO you from the server is being slowed down. This will cause you to be lagging, true to the word. It will appear you're in time with everyone else, but your screen is actually 0.5 - 1 second BEHIND the actual game.


But... if the data you're SENDING to the server is slowed down, the server puts you a few feet in front of where your model actually appears to the rest of the game....


I don't know, but something is really weird with the way it works.... I've seen DFAs go clean through people on multiple occasions without doing a single point of damage.

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