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Defend Player Towns?


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Just a small question to anyone that knows.


What is there to defend against? Does this specifically speak about npc invasions?


Will their be attacks between player cities, like city wars?

Example: in uo, you can declair war on another guild, and fight them without any penalties. Will we be able to declair war on neiboring player owned towns, or other pas'???


Just a small question, thnx.


Plese dont falme me.



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Well, that was a bit more than a small question....lol. I think they touched on grouping during the last developers chat (was great to hear directly from the developers ;P) which can be read on just about any SWG site out there by now... I fear that many of the fine points that you inquired about will not be revealed until the release, if not later.

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Well, PAs can declare war on each other, so I don't see why cities could not declare war on one another or at least be attacked. After all, they want this game to be "realistic" to the Star Wars Universe, so there should be some attacks by Imperials on Rebel towns and vice verca. it would only make sense.

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