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Beta Testers

Lord Helmet

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Like Jan said, the smart ones will refrain from letting everyone know they are testers to avoid the mass questions. I do believe the devs posted before stating it is not against the NDA to announce your beta testing status. They leave that up to the testers but I haven't seen one come forward yet.

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Haha, made some digging, and found the thread again. :D


This is what Kevin "Q-3PO" O'Hare had to say about how serious they consider NDA violations to be:


Link to relevant thread: About NDA Violations

Just to let you know, we take all violations of the NDA very seriously. All information we find on potential violations will be handed over to our legal department.


Now many of you (including fan site owners) are obviously not legally bound to the NDA if you haven't signed it. We appeciate you not amplifying any violations by posting unapproved beta information or screenshots. :)


Those people who do help spread the violations will likely hurt their chances to participate in beta (or their relationship with us in the case of fan sites).


Please do not ask for links to violations on these forums. Those posts will be closed.




Kevin O'Hara

Community Relations Manager

Notice the word in bold and italic text. ;)


Appearantly, it would almost seem that it was necessary to say this, and this was from Sunday almost 2 weeks ago. :eek:


Have some of the beta testers not understood what the NDA means? Or comprehended the consequences if it was breached? :rolleyes:


Wouldn't surprise me. :p

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Yes, there was an incident where some unauthorized screenshots made it to a website, but they were able to lay the smack down upon them pretty fast.


Sony and Lucasarts are 2 big name companies that can afford much better lawyers than most of us combined so I wouldnt go messing around with NDA violations.

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i know one beta tester, a mate of mine who locks the doors and draws the curtains before testing, little paranoid maybe, but i dont ask him about the game (even though i REALLY want to), and i know he wouldnt tell me even if i did :D .


My friend wont reveal that he is a tester on forums simply because he cannot, and indeed would not, tell anyone anything about the game, and doesnt want to be bugged by people wanting to know insider stuff.


For the benefit of all, i believe its best not to speculate who is or isnt testing. As Jan and Murashu rightly pointed out, the beta tests are very well guarded, and the NDA is binding.


Suffice to say i trust that the best people for the job have been selected, and eagerly await the finished product (unless im lucky enuff to get in Beta3, but then you will never know

:p )

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Whether you sign a NDA or not, we will all be beta testers. With games like this we are always finding bugs or exploits and reporting it up and they will be patching weekly if not daily for a while. There is no way all the bugs will be found by the time we get the game so sit back and relax and you too will have a shot at testing.

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Yes, and for those who never beta tested a game in their life, such as myself, that will be a fine experience you can take with you till the time you become a beta tester. :)


My friend wont reveal that he is a tester on forums simply because he cannot, and indeed would not, tell anyone anything about the game, and doesnt want to be bugged by people wanting to know insider stuff.

Like I said, the smart ones will keep quiet. ;)

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Originally posted by Omne

Very true. A minor can't sign any sort of contract without a parent/legan guardian there as well. If a minor was accepted, signed the NDA, then broke it...nothing could be done to them.


You have to remember that this game is INTERNATIONAL not only US based. Several counrties DO NOT distinguish between minor and adult for the purposes of legal contracts. However, if the contract requires the participant to be of a certain age and the signee lies about their age, then legal action can be taken.

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