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I need help with fog!


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if you open up fogs.shader in ShaderEd, you can play around with the settings there, and i believe there is a simple color key to change the apparent color of the fog. I did that with my mars map (here's a shot: http://wso.williams.edu:8000/~jshoer/images/shot0010a.jpg). so make a copy of fogs.shader and rename it something like customfog.shader, then open the file and fool around with the colors. i suggest taking the fog you know you want to use, say fog1 or kejim_cold or yavin_swamp, etc, you know what i mean, copying the code for it out of fogs.shader (open it up in notepad to do this), and pasting it several times into a new file, naming the fogs customfog1, customfog2, etc. then open customfog.shader in ShaderEd, and change the color values for each of the fogs. make a couple rooms in radiant, and put each fog in a room, do a fast compile and see what works best.

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