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Existing GLMs and Milkshape

[DJC] Darkstar

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If I want to take an existing model in Jedi Knight and edit it in Milkshape, how do I go about properly importing and exporting the model. I have searched for topics and tutorials regarding this but have had no luck in finding any. Any help you be greatly appreciated. I do not have access to a copy of 3DS Max.



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ok first make sure you have the glm import patch and then take the glm out of the assets pk3 if the model you want is a raven one or out of the custom model's pk3 and then put it in a folder then just go into milkshape go to file select import ghoul2 .glm model then go to the folder where you put the model and open it.

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that was my problem as well. modelled in milkshape, realized I could not do the LOD's or weighing to the skeleton. Spent a whole day trying to figure out how I could export from milkshape to 3ds max without loss... gave up, renamed my groups, used 3ds file format and got my model into 3ds max. then I had to re-orient my model and re-fit it to the bones, re-name the groups, and go through the hierarchy, tag alignment, LOD's and weighing. Still stuck at the weighing part :D

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Milkshape comes with a glm importer.


You cant finish a player model just by using milkshape (can't export your model to a game format or do animations).


3dsmax does not have a glm importer.


3dsmax CAN make finished player models (exports in XSI format and can weigh the skin for animations).


as for exporters... you need to export in XSI format and then use assimilate to make a glm out of the XSI file.

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You know it is statements like that that made me believe I could use milkshape to make my player model just by using milkshape and made me loose a good few days trying to get my model into 3ds max from milkshape. :D


What you say is true for map objects and weapons but will not work for players... it's good to stress this point so that anyone wanting to tweak this or that model and make a player model of their own know that they cant do it with milkshape and a md3 to glm converter ;)

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A long time ago in a forum far far away....


Episode 0 - Getting player models in game using Milkshape


$ilk, in jk2files.com forums stated, almost 2 months ago, that he was able to use milkshape and put a player model into the game. Some people tried but just get a bunch of errors and crashing.


Then, I just sorta bump the long-dead thread, and hope $ilk or other guy will reply, and also hope the admin not close that thread.


Ifit will be possible use only Milkshape to do all the process (modeling, uvw map, weighting, ..., exporting to the game) is good, but if not what a loss.

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