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Really Disappointed with this game...


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Ive been playing Jedi Outcast since it came out (not non-stop). Ive been throught he patches. Overall I think the game is really lacking, ill explain why. And I would like other opinions whether you agree or disagree.


First off the combat, overall, is lacking. In any server with force powers enabled the combat is simply boring. You ether have non-stop lightning bolts, or you have the stupid "force throw force pull combo". While some people may view it fun to play and counter these force powers, I think it really makes this game mroe like super heros then jedi.


Force, not jedi like? In the movies, when vader threw his saber it was a dirty trick. He did it once in 3 movies unless im forgetting something. The reason the jedi did not often force push or anything of the like is because any aware jedi could easily counter. The few times they did it was right after a hit or something.


The stances, in the game, are just sickening. I see people swinging light sabers like baseball bats. Worse yet is they start a swing and they are halfway across the map before the swing is completed.


So when im playing the game I see super heros zapping lasers from their eyes non-stop with glowing sticks in their hand that they never use..unless of course they are throwing it. Or I see people with big glowing baseball bats. I do not feel like im playing as a jedi when I play this game.


What I would like to see in a future game.


I think stances were a good idea but poorly done. Each stance should do nothing more then open up various fighting styles. The styles shouldn't do more or less damage, merely different moves.


Saber combat should be the main part of the game. Saber combat should have at least 30 different moves throughout the stances...some offense based, others defense based. So the whole of a combat is quick thinking attacks and parries.


Guns are not a problem but some of them are carried away. Rocket launchers, those pea-shooter things, etc. Those just make the game stupid. If I wanted to blow people up with rockest I would play quake...seems very unstarwars like.


Forces powers should exist but very limited. No gripping...that power wouldn't even work on another jedi unless he was weak. Mind tricks should be out....jedi are not weak minded. Healing is not a bad power but it should be a type of heal like level 1 heal in the single play (saber off and kneeling, not instant). Lightning is a joke...again, easily countered by any skilled jedi. Absorb and protection...ditch them. Rage, out. That drain power, gone. The powers, in multiplayer saber combat, should be nothing more then force jump, the reduced power heal if your lucky enough to get away from your foe for enough time, and force seeing (which should show a rough map overview to show wherep oeple are like the original jedi game). Push and pull are useful but they shouldnt' be used to shove people around, just items, flip switches, etc.


Jedi battles should have few force powers used (other then jump), and they should be fast paced. Not baseball bat swinging heavy swings and lightingbolts/force throws up the wazoo.


Thoughts, comments? Think there is any chance of them making a game like this or you think the jedi games are doomed to be x-men with sabers?

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You sound like myself and other people I've read on the forums. Basically, you're sick of the exploits and the CONSTANT spam attacks. The overall lack of balance in the game -especially since the version 1.04 patch was released. The last time I played vanilla JO online, the people weren't even using their sabers! They were just running up and kicking me to death -and I had MY saber out! Okay, so they were doing more damage to me with a kick than I could do with my saber. What is wrong with this picture??? Anybody see any of the movies!?!?!?


It's sad but true, vanilla JO is a game for gunners, and perhaps Soccer players. And I agree, there is nothing wrong with guns and gunners. But C'mon! Were the Jedi were REALLY that weak???


Anyway, I don't play vanilla JO online anymore. I only play with ProMod now, because it makes the game what it SHOULD HAVE BEEN in the first place. If you haven't used it, you need to check it out and learn about how and why it works so well. It totally changes the way Multi-Player works, and it does away with exploit spam attacks! It was created by a guy who was basically where YOU are now.


ProMod 3 was just released today. Check it out. Maybe it will re-establish JO in your mind. We're trying to grow a community here -hopefully it will become a standard. If it does, everybody stands to benefit.

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Tarus. Many of your comments both I and some of the community have shared. If you want a suggestion as to what to do, look into the jedi outcast mod called Promod.


Promod 3.0 has just been released. Look into it, donwload it, it's less than a megabyte. this isn't jedimod or jedi plus. They are fun enhancements to be sure, no disrespect intended to that community.


However, if you're looking for something that seriously addresses the issues you're having, and seeks to create a game that is competitively balanced all across the board, i.e, more than one area of expertise in this game can excel, and skill is necessary rather than exploit, then promod is your mod. Yes, there is a jetpack, but I assure you that it is customized to fit the game. Of course, the 3.0 hasn't been out that long, but I can assure you that you'll be hard pressed to find a weapon or gadget that will trump all other things. The lightsaber does double damage against non saber wielding opponents, higher normal saber damage rates for duels. The saber blocking system has been made very predictable, i.e it's not random, you musth ave a very precise aim AND stance ready to defend yourself. The list of options and enhancements are too many to go into. This is what you're looking for.

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Well, as for online spam attacks, thats not raven's or lucasart's fault. The people make the community,and the community makes the people. If one goes bad or crappy, the entire symbiotic relationship falls with it.


If people would stop saying it is dead; it wouldn't be dead, etc.



The online MP of Jedi Outcast is only crappy when you


A) lag too much


b) lag too much (that counts as twice)


c)fight some server admin who sucks then they kick you because you beat them


d) fight a person who spams the same move........over..and over.....and over......etc.


e)lag too much. (ok, thats three)

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Well, as for online spam attacks, thats not raven's or lucasart's fault. The people make the community,and the community makes the people. If one goes bad or crappy, the entire symbiotic relationship falls with it.


If people would stop saying it is dead; it wouldn't be dead, etc.



The online MP of Jedi Outcast is only crappy when you


A) lag too much


b) lag too much (that counts as twice)


c)fight some server admin who sucks then they kick you because you beat them


d) fight a person who spams the same move........over..and over.....and over......etc.


e)lag too much. (ok, thats three)



I have a problem w/ D. What do you mean by "spam?" I'll tell you, you're one of those players that would get pissed off if someone kicks you to death right? I'm sorry, that's not spam. Spam is lightning. Spam is drain. Spam is healing. Kicking takes skill (being good at it). Swinging your saber randomly does not.

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To me spam is when you DO use it over and over and over...



-You kill me by only kicking me in the face. Okay. Good job...I know that takes skill to do. But if that is the ONLY way you kill people then it is spam.


Lightning...toss it out a alot? Okay. Once again, if that is all you do then you are spamming the move.


It comes down to onlyhaving the skill to do one thing and then just running with it. Kick, lighting, drain, whatever...if you do it well then okay...if you do it ALL THE TIME then stop spamming it.


I don't consider Healing to be a spam...that keeps you alive. If you have to use it alot then just get better at fighting. :p

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Originally posted by Kam Riser

To me spam is when you DO use it over and over and over...



-You kill me by only kicking me in the face. Okay. Good job...I know that takes skill to do. But if that is the ONLY way you kill people then it is spam.


Lightning...toss it out a alot? Okay. Once again, if that is all you do then you are spamming the move.


It comes down to onlyhaving the skill to do one thing and then just running with it. Kick, lighting, drain, whatever...if you do it well then okay...if you do it ALL THE TIME then stop spamming it.


I don't consider Healing to be a spam...that keeps you alive. If you have to use it alot then just get better at fighting. :p


Ok..let me explain something. If I kick you to death, that's more humiliating to you. Bitching about spam is just that, bitching. It's so you can gain some sort of self-respect by passing someone off as a, God forbid, "spammer," even though that person didn't even have to use anything else. Spam is a stupid concept in games and should be kept to chat rooms. Thank you.

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Spamming a move is different from using a move to get an advantage.





If you stand there and shoot lightening, a person charges you, you run away, sneak up, use lightening, run away, sneak up, use lightening, that is spam.


Using lightening, fighting, is not.


I don't know if that cleared anything up, but i think it's a relatively logical answer.

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Ok people, this is a game. There is no code of ethics or any of that bull****. There is no spamming. You live or you die. There are those on top and those that complain about those on top. If you can't beat someone, shut the hell up and live w/ it or keep practicing.

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Good players don't spam moves, they merely use single moves a lot. A spammer is someone who uses a move more than they need to. For example, someone who uses force-pull about 5 times in a row, despite the fact that just once is enough. Or someone who fills a corridor with flechette shots without actually aiming a single one.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Good players don't spam moves, they merely use single moves a lot. A spammer is someone who uses a move more than they need to. For example, someone who uses force-pull about 5 times in a row, despite the fact that just once is enough. Or someone who fills a corridor with flechette shots without actually aiming a single one.



I agree w/ that.

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Originally posted by Break_dF


Spam is lightning. Spam is drain. Spam is healing.





Originally posted by Break_dF

There is no spamming.



You have just contradicted yourself.


I am now officially confused.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13








You have just contradicted yourself.


I am now officially confused.



Obi, you seem intelligent...take the posts into context. Examples...hmm, ok, I should've said that ppl should bitch about lightning, drain, etc, and I would understand it. It's just button pushing. I thought that was inferred...anyway, personally, I don't think that's spamming. I don't think spamming applies to games in the active sense...read Detric's post. Now, if you're still confused (which is likely) go read some of Emerson's essays on what it means to be great.

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DeTRiTiC-iQ does indeed make a good point. I do agree with it. Pulling that many times is ridiculous.



on the part about Ralph Waldo Emerson, I have read his essays. (quite a few of them anyway). Good guy, he was. ;)

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Your kidding right? You thinking getting kicked to death is embaressing?


Kicking people to death is much easier then killing them with a saber. Only thing more easier, I think, is shooting that one explosive gun.


If you think you have skill becuase you can kick someone to death then I think your thoughts are clouded. This games a joke. A kick does more damage then a saber and can't be defended? bleh. If someone kicks at a jedi I would be more inclined to say they would lose their leg.

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Originally posted by Tarus

Your kidding right? You thinking getting kicked to death is embaressing?


Kicking people to death is much easier then killing them with a saber. Only thing more easier, I think, is shooting that one explosive gun.


If you think you have skill becuase you can kick someone to death then I think your thoughts are clouded. This games a joke. A kick does more damage then a saber and can't be defended? bleh. If someone kicks at a jedi I would be more inclined to say they would lose their leg.


Let me apologize for ..LEARNING THE GAME! Jeez, if you spent half as much time playing as you did bitching then you may actually be a good player.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

DeTRiTiC-iQ does indeed make a good point. I do agree with it. Pulling that many times is ridiculous.



on the part about Ralph Waldo Emerson, I have read his essays. (quite a few of them anyway). Good guy, he was. ;)


I was referring to when he says, "to be great is to be misunderstood." There's a whole essay dedicated to self-contradiction.

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I find it funny how people are so quick to insult a person because of their "Spamming" or "X-move-combo takes no skill", yet when challenged to do it themselves, for some odd reason they can never seem to pull it off...


Must be because they have too much "honor" and nothing to do with the complexity of doing something more than running around with mouse 1 held down and jumping like a moron...


Let me provide a perfect example for you.

{FotS} Clan Server - Saber Only FF (


You will see nothing but people turning on Absorb and popping off one DFA after another. Hell, they don’t really even aim the damn things; they just do them over and over.


That's it.

Not a single move other than that.

Would that be called Spam?

By most people's definition, yes.


But, I also should mention that I have been kicked from this server several times for beating the Hell out of them in front of their own clan mates.


How was this accomplished?

They did the same attacks; I did the same (effective) counters.

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I'm also dissapointed in this game as well. It requires too much luck and too much time to get good at. I joined the Jedi Academy a while back, but with school and all I can't devote all my time to a game. It seems like there are people who are great at the game and people who suck at it; no in between like in most other games. All I wanted was a fun Heretic II meets Star Wars game from Raven Software, and instead we get this extremely difficult game that got no support at all and the company paid no attention to the community. They rushed this game out and threw together a few patches and that was it. I really hope that Knights of the Old Republic will be a lot better than this game.

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Originally posted by Genes1s

I find it funny how people are so quick to insult a person because of their "Spamming" or "X-move-combo takes no skill", yet when challenged to do it themselves, for some odd reason they can never seem to pull it off...


Must be because they have too much "honor" and nothing to do with the complexity of doing something more than running around with mouse 1 held down and jumping like a moron...


Let me provide a perfect example for you.

{FotS} Clan Server - Saber Only FF (


You will see nothing but people turning on Absorb and DFA.


That's it.

Not a single move other than that.

Would that be called Spam?

By most people's definition, yes.


But, I also should mention that I have been kicked from this server several times for beating the Hell out of them in front of their own clan mates.


How was this accomplished?

They did the same attacks; I did the same (effective) counters.



Holy Jesus, Preach IT! You're right on the money. Dead on. By the way, that clan hates me, I mean HATES me. I was banned from there a LONG time ago. For what reason you ask? Well...they started the talk when I came in their server soo, I was as whorish as possible and completely dominated their server. They just passed me off as a scripter. Too bad it's impossible to script ptk...stupid, stupid people.

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Originally posted by Demolisher

I'm also dissapointed in this game as well. It requires too much luck and too much time to get good at. I joined the Jedi Academy a while back, but with school and all I can't devote all my time to a game. It seems like there are people who are great at the game and people who suck at it; no in between like in most other games. All I wanted was a fun Heretic II meets Star Wars game from Raven Software, and instead we get this extremely difficult game that got no support at all and the company paid no attention to the community. They rushed this game out and threw together a few patches and that was it. I really hope that Knights of the Old Republic will be a lot better than this game.


Well, for a beginner this game can be very difficult and that's simply because it has nothing to do w/ luck. Yes there are those who really suck and those that are good but there seems to be a teir of skill based on what game type people play and who they play. For example, people from the old Quakesh*t servers own at FF saber dueling...it's almost impossible to catch back up w/ 6 months of experience.

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