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The little description under your name.

Reborn Outcast

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0-50 = Bantha Fodder

50-100 = Pit Droid

100-150 = Sith Probe Droid

150-200 = Battle Droid

200-250 = Ewok

250-300 = Tusken Raider

300-350 = Wampa

350-400 = Jawa

400-450 = Gungan

450-500 = Bantha

500-600 = Wookiee

600-650 = Rancor

650-700 = Stormtrooper

700-750 = Sith

750-800 = Jedi

800-999 = Sith Lord

1,000+ = Custom Rank

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

0-50 = Bantha Fodder

50-100 = Pit Droid

100-150 = Sith Probe Droid

150-200 = Battle Droid

200-250 = Ewok

250-300 = Tusken Raider

300-350 = Wampa

350-400 = Jawa

400-450 = Gungan

450-500 = Bantha

500-600 = Wookiee

600-650 = Rancor

650-700 = Stormtrooper

700-750 = Sith

750-800 = Jedi

800-999 = Sith Lord

1,000+ = Custom Rank


Poor Rhett, he's posted this list before...

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