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Official SWGB 2 GB.com Thread

Guest DarthMaulUK

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And coming from a person that has been accused of liking ES no matter what, that says a lot.


I would like to point out something. How do you guys know that they weren't already working on th new engine? Maybe thats why SWGB used someone else's engine, because they were busy working on their own, and didnt have time for two engines. And the people who usually would work on the SWGB engine then have the chance to work on a new one.


Windu, how do you know that a game will be the best RTS ever, if it hasnt even come out yet?

Looks to me like a cross between AOE & Civilisations.


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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by Darth Windu

How would RoN be bad for SWGB2?


Although it would have to be modified, it already has many new innovations for an RTS game, and also adds the epic scope needed in a star wars game.


In almost every respect, RoN is superior to ANY RTS, and as such, along with its innovations, epic scope, inbuilt armour and aircraft, would make it the perfect base for SWGB2.



RoN would need heavy modification to make it feel like a Star Wars game. In this day and age, we deserve a proper feeling Star Wars title.


AOE was a good step for LA to test the market for a SW RTS game - which worked. LA have more than enough time to create a new engine, which means we might not see SWGB 2 until 2004/2005 in time for Episode 3.


If this is the case, RoN will be so out dated. It looks naff from the screenshots so using this engine would not be a good move.


SWGB 2 would have to be:



include better detailed units and civilisations

better Star Wars locations

Space combat & space battles before launching ground assaults


So much can happen if LA use the force!



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I think making there own engine is the only way to go other than SWGB 2 on AOK engine.


The AOM Engine is amazing but i don't know how they could fit god paths etc to SW. War3 engine isn't really too good and wouldn't go with SW. CnC Generals engine wouldn't work only one res game :Not-Fun:.


New SWGB engine would be cool.

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Andy, while SWGB did modify AoK enough to make it a far better game, it is still obviously a modified engine.


Pummels = Battering Rams

Cannons = Trebuchets


These were not seen in any Star Wars movie. If they were taken out, sure gameplay might be different but it would still feel like Star Wars and less like AoK. Most modified engines it is hard to tell where they originated, with SWGB it is not. So many things are left over from AoK that probably wouldn't exist in a totally original Star Wars RTS engine.


Here's a list of other direct copies that are almost exactly as they were in AoK, though the fit Star Wars better than the above:


Fortress = Castle

War Center = Blacksmith

Research Facility = University

Spaceport = Market

Hovercraft = Trade Cart

Utility Trawler = Fishing boat

Transport = Transport Ship

Frigate = Galleon

Destroyer = Fireship

Cruiser = Cannon Galleon

Farms = Farms

Carbon = Wood

Ore = Stone

Nova = Gold

Holocrons = Relics

Tech Levels = Ages


Even the way the interface works is EXACTLY the same.


There are few modified engines that exhibit this much similarity to the original engine. They changed the GAMEPLAY no the GAME ENGINE. So you go and play Age of Kings and come back and tell me it isn't the tiniest bit similar.

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Hmm. I swear I posted in this thread yesterday. Odd. Anyway...


I totally agree with DMUK, Sith and all the rest about RoN. It may be a decent game (I'm not quite sure, and I don't care all that much) but it is NOT a good Star Wars game. And it CAN NOT be a good Star Wars game.

Same for AoM, pretty much. Except I do think that it's a good game in its own right. Not that you care. :)


GB is a modified version of AoK. It's downright obvious. Sure, there are differences, that's also obvious, but by looking at it you can TELL that it's AoK. Not so with Jedi Knight- in fact, I had no idea it was a port of another engine. But I may just be incredibly stupid.


Making their own engine is most definitely the way to go. In the time between now and when Episode III comes out (04/5) there should be enough time and there should definitely be enough people, initiative and skill at LA to pull it off.


DMUK mentioned a few things that make a good SW game, but I think the list is or could be much larger than that, and nothing could fit the bill but a custom-made Star Wars game.


If anyone from LA is reading this:

If you are making a SW:GB 2, ignore the cries of the RoN/AoM fanatics, and spend the resources necessary to create your own engine! It is the only and best way.

I ask you to aid us. No- I beg you to aid us.

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Originally posted by CorranSec

GB is a modified version of AoK. It's downright obvious. Sure, there are differences, that's also obvious, but by looking at it you can TELL that it's AoK. Not so with Jedi Knight- in fact, I had no idea it was a port of another engine. But I may just be incredibly stupid.


If anyone from LA is reading this:

If you are making a SW:GB 2, ignore the cries of the RoN/AoM fanatics, and spend the resources necessary to create your own engine! It is the only and best way.

I ask you to aid us. No- I beg you to aid us.


Maybe just maybe the reason you didn't realize Jedi knight used another engine was because you didn't play the game they modified it from! So yeas you probally are being incredibly stupid.


Yeah, people from LA are going to listen to you after you've just knocked there game.



Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

Andy, while SWGB did modify AoK enough to make it a far better game, it is still obviously a modified engine.


Pummels = Battering Rams

Cannons = Trebuchets


These were not seen in any Star Wars movie. If they were taken out, sure gameplay might be different but it would still feel like Star Wars and less like AoK. Most modified engines it is hard to tell where they originated, with SWGB it is not. So many things are left over from AoK that probably wouldn't exist in a totally original Star Wars RTS engine.


Here's a list of other direct copies that are almost exactly as they were in AoK, though the fit Star Wars better than the above:


Fortress = Castle

War Center = Blacksmith

Research Facility = University

Spaceport = Market

Hovercraft = Trade Cart

Utility Trawler = Fishing boat

Transport = Transport Ship

Frigate = Galleon

Destroyer = Fireship

Cruiser = Cannon Galleon

Farms = Farms

Carbon = Wood

Ore = Stone

Nova = Gold

Holocrons = Relics

Tech Levels = Ages


Even the way the interface works is EXACTLY the same.


There are few modified engines that exhibit this much similarity to the original engine. They changed the GAMEPLAY no the GAME ENGINE. So you go and play Age of Kings and come back and tell me it isn't the tiniest bit similar.


I was just pointing out that SWGB is much more than just AOK with Planes and Mechs. Alot more. As i said i played AoK for 2 and a half years to a preety decent level i am very aware of which units are in the game lol. They did change the game engine to incorporate flying units, Shielded units, underwater building, cloaked units and a few others i can't remember. These are examples of changing the engine, changing gameplay is like randomizing food (biggest improvement of all, even ES copied LA on this for AOM), changing art, sounds and new units.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I was watching Episode II today and I thought; ' That would be great in the game'.


Those Changelum things. They could be used like spies for example who could inflitrate your base disguised as an enemy unit.


Much like the spies in Red Alert 2 work. You click on the enemy unit and your spie turns into this to get in the base. As a counter, maybe Droids or something could alert you if one was in the base.



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I posted this somewhere else in relation to a new version of the spynet awhile ago...


something very similar actually, a spy who could conceal themself and change form into one of your enemies workers. And simulate working with them so they wouldn't be noticed and you could move them all around. Think about it, mix him in with a bunch of carbon workers and you'd hardly notice. Then you could move him around and do whatever. Obviously if he's out of place he'd be noticeable, but when you've got 100 floating around you can't keep an eye on all 100 all the time. I like the idea a lot.

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I have two things to say here:


1. Pbguy, Phantom Menace may not have been that great (but it was good), but Attack of the Clones was awesome! What were you on when you went to see it? I think that Lucas definitely still has the Force! It's only getting better!


2. Ok, is it just me, or am I the only person who remembers Lucas Arts' last attempt to make an engine. Need I remind y'all about Force Commander?

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Originally posted by Captain Fett

1. Pbguy, Phantom Menace may not have been that great (but it was good), but Attack of the Clones was awesome! What were you on when you went to see it? I think that Lucas definitely still has the Force! It's only getting better!


2. Ok, is it just me, or am I the only person who remembers Lucas Arts' last attempt to make an engine. Need I remind y'all about Force Commander?


1. Phantom Menace had a better plotline, but moved a tad slower. The friggin pod racing killed any momentum the movie had. Too long and boring.

But Attack of the Clones must have literally had no script. It was all over the place. Nothing made sense and some of the acting (hayden) was godawful. Parts were too confusing for most people. And the only thing that saved the movie was the huge battle in the end. Up to that point it was pretty forgetable. Not to mention there were some contradictory things in the movie compared to IV - VI that were annoying. It seems like George just likes to make monster movies and by showing off his graphics of

ILM. There seems to be no thought into some of the scenes. Padme all of a sudden loves Anakin? Why? There was no reason why she should. Obi Wan was apparently too wreckless when younger too, and was trained by Yoda... not in these two...

And for being such badasses, why have we never seen a Fett kill anyone besides a downed bounty hunter? I could go on... but I'm at work and I need to pretend like I'm doing something :D


2. A new engine would seem fairly pointless... just making some alterations to existing ones would be sufficient.

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Originally posted by Captain Fett

I have two things to say here:


1. Pbguy, Phantom Menace may not have been that great (but it was good), but Attack of the Clones was awesome! What were you on when you went to see it? I think that Lucas definitely still has the Force! It's only getting better!


2. Ok, is it just me, or am I the only person who remembers Lucas Arts' last attempt to make an engine. Need I remind y'all about Force Commander?


1-Agreed but they are not as good as the OT.


2-They learned from that crap! I'm sure they'll do better this time.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

This thread is not to discuss whether or not you liked the 2 new SW films, its about SWGB 2.


If LA used some one elses engine, it is gonna have to offer alot. Although Garry worked on Force Commander, he thankfully has learnt from that awful experience.


SWGB 2 HAS to be in 3-d. Most of the new RTS games are heading that way, even if some are a little naff. LA can't use the AOK engine. If they did that, the playing community and especially the media wouldn't even bother looking @ SWGB 2.


Times have changed. The demands on PC specs have increased and I think us as a playing community deserve a Star Wars game that not only sits firmly above all other SW RTS titles but stands up against other RTS titles. SW rocks, lets pray for a RTS to match the epic Saga.



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-_- Most of you who are saying things about how it doesn't have its own engine and such are all Senario players.. To truely appreacaite what the original game had to offer, you must play RM or DM..although, i would think that it would truely benifit the game to put it on AoM's engine. More units, better graphics, techs, and strategy would make SWGB 2 great

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I personally would not mind seeing a 2d swgb 2, battlegrounds is perfectly fine graphics-wise for me. Maybe i'm content with a game engine for multiple years, but some people always want a bigger and better engine. So many people want the 3d, which i can live with, so i think that is what it will be. More and more game systems are gradually coming out. I think the last huge switch was too early. Like all the money i had invested in the previous game systems is no longer worth it.


For a new game, i don't care if they use someone else's engine, as long as it doesn't chanfe much in gameplay. For example, i do NOT want a game with unlimited resources. Yes, i've played these games. In them it feels like the winner is the one who assigns the most workers on a resource.


In gb, you have to expand your economy searching and seek alternaive methods of wealth later in the game, this idea makes me feel more in control of my civ's destiny. Like if im being attacked, killing an enemy unit seems to actually cause damage--those resources can never be restored, the food or carbon or whatever that came from the map is gone.


And joker, you might want to rephrase your ideas. "You all are scenario players". They are not, it's that simple. I would not want to be called a scenario player.


Has anyone lese noticed that almost ALL posts are at least half this long? Sorry about my rambling.

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Andy_Ewok: Thankyou for insulting me. I really do appreciate it. I just need a little reminder every day that I am indeed quite the idiot.

Out of interest, what game was JK1 from?

Everyone has knocked some factor of some LA game once. Just look at this thread! DMUK himself insulted Force Commander. And I never even knocked their game in my post, I just said it's obvious that GB is a modified version of AoK.


Pbguy: The spy thing sounds kinda cool. I'll think on it a little.

About the movies- DMUK is right, it really has nothing to do with this topic.

A new engine is downright necessary. Have you missed everything that's been said?


Twisted Joker: No offense, but where in hell did you get the idea that we're all scenario players? I barely ever play scenarios. But I'm thinking about a new game from all areas- gameplay for normal games as well as expanded scenario editor etc. for scenarios.


Sithmaster: We can only hope they are (making a 3d engine).


Allied Commander: Perfectly fine graphics? No offense to LA or yourself, but what are your standards? AoE 1?

AoE 2 itself had better graphics. WC3 lies far above it. RoN, AoM and the like are up there as well.

3D is the wave of the future, and we would be foolish not to catch it.

Someone else's engine? Ack! Have you not heard the discussion? A new engine is the best thing that could ever happen to the GB franchise.

I agree about the unlimited resources thing- and thus, you have discounted one of the major options (RoN) for 'someone else's engine.' AoM? Gods, mythology, not very good air. Any other suggestions, which will subsequently be proved folly?


And you think you were rambling.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

A new SWGB game will have to appeal more to the newbies in terms of an RM or DM style game. Currently, with rushing it doesnt.


Yes, we have had the arguements over this but either way, there's some very sad players out there who love to beat newbies inside 10 minutes.


Good players can hold off rushes etc etc but those still learning, can't. And if they play games where they get rushed over and over, they move onto Scenarios and are comfortable here.


Although I am saying that SWGB 2 should be in 3D, I am yet to see a game that is outstanding in 3D. AoM, Warcraft 3, Medievil Total War, and even Command and Conquer Generals are heading this way but are far from perfect.


Force Commander deserves all the bad press and reaction it gets. It is an awful game. Especially when I think back to the game spec. It demanded so much and for what? Something that wasn't even worth being used as a coaster. Sorry if it sounds harsh but we are promised so much and delivered so little.


LA have been using lots of different studios lately to make new games, some have been good, some haven't. If this were to continue into SWGB 2, AoM engine would not be suitable really.


No doubt once we get the official word here at GB.com, I will quickly draw up and Q&As for Garry! ;-)



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