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Promod - Lazarous Challenge Announcement


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This Saturday, the 7th of Dec. at 8:30pm EST (-5 GMT), I will be hosting an open challenge event for anyone who'd like to match their gunnery skills against Lazarous's saber & force skills. Lazarous has already agreed to the event.


I will be hosting this event on my own official server (ip in my sig). The format will be an FFA gametype in which only one player at a time is allowed into the game to fight against Lazarous. You may use any tactics you wish, provided they are gunnery-only (you must have at least one Level 4 weapon skill). Players will be allowed one shot to beat Lazarous, first one to 5 kills. Any player failing to win must disconnect to free up another spot if the server is full, otherwise they can stay on for another try.


If you'd like to give it a go, then simply show up in my official server at 8:30pm sharp!

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Errr.... I have no idea how. And to be honest I'm not 100% positive I'll be able to make it to the match, so I don't want to be expected to record it.


But I agree that it'd be great if someone did make a demo for the match. If it's really easy then reply to me here and tell me how, and I'll try to do it.

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Originally posted by Moradivh

Errr.... I have no idea how. And to be honest I'm not 100% positive I'll be able to make it to the match, so I don't want to be expected to record it.


But I agree that it'd be great if someone did make a demo for the match. If it's really easy then reply to me here and tell me how, and I'll try to do it.


Actually, what would be best would be to have two people recording demos, one of them just recording Laz the whole time, and the other recording whoever's challenging him.


I've got to sit down and figure out what the correct process is for recording demos...

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Well I'm still willing to do a demo if someone tells me how in the next couple hours, or links me a good tutorial. If Nutritious has a TWL game tonight and there's no other volunteers, I guess that just leaves me to demo, and I still don't know how, so...


Sorry Art, but unless things change it's starting to look like we'll be lucky to get one demo out of this game tonight, let alone two.


Anyways, if I can't figure it out in time and you want space on your server for competitors, I don't mind sitting this one out.

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To be able to record a demo in-game, g_syncronousClients must be set to "1"


This is so that all the players are set up correctly in sync so that the demo records and plays back correctly.


To start recording type record <replacethiswiththedemoname> into the console.


to stop type stoprecord into the console.


these commands can be bound to keys that makes the process easier.


Even easier, you can just download this script and place that in your base folder.




Once you recorded the demo, you can convert this to an avi file. To do this play the demo in game (theres an option for this in the menu.


The cvar used here for the next step is cl_avidemo ##.

What it does is that it takes screenshots automatically without the need to use the screenshot command. the screenshots will be jpgs and will be depositted in your screenshots folder in gamedata directory. The value(##) is the number of shots per second taken by the computer. eg cl_avidemo 20


note that during this process, your demo will go all choppy, dont worry, its fine.


Also, dont record to long a time with cl_avidemo, and have plenty of space on your HD as a 40 second demo with framerate set at 25 would give you 1000 jpgs in your screenshots folder.


After you finished recording all the parts of the demo you wanted for the avi, exit jk2. You now will need a program to link all those jpgs together to create an avi. In this process, you can also add sound as there will be no sound or music. Some progrmas for doing this are VideoMach to link the pictures and Virtual Dub to dub the sound.

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Whoa. We had some great matches tonight. The good news is that we've got multiple-perspective demos for nearly all of them! I'm talking to TK-Nutritious about converting some of them to vids, so that everyone can watch them without having to run a demo file. The match between Lazarous and Nutrition on CTF-Bespin really has to be seen to be believed. I've not seen such a great gunner/jedi matchup since 3.0 was released.


I'll make sure to get jkii.net the files once they're finished.

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What would be extra cool would be for some clever individual to do a split-screen from the different perspectives.


Also, do slo-mo's on the significant bits so we can all see whats happening in detail.


I'll look forward to seeing the clash of the Titans...

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Originally posted by TK_Nutritious

syfo, that's the same idea I had about converting this to a video. It'll be some time before this is done, however, as this week in finals week for me. I'll be able to get to work probly this coming weekend.


Just whenever you get the chance, man. Though the rabid masses are probably going to be beating down your door before too long. You absolutely must do a vid of your ctf_bespin match. A 5-4 victory that was really an incredible thing to watch.

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Well, I finally got my chance to play against the infamous Lazarous the other day...


Yes, as I expected he plays very well -but that's not why I'm posting.


A while ago someone mentioned that Laz (for all of his ability as a superior Jedi) takes the cheapest shot of them all: attacking player who are 'paused' (for lack of a better word). This is when you aren't in game at the moment because you are configuring your Force powers, for selecting a different skin, or answering the phone or something. It's easy enough to see -you have that 'sign' over your head.


Many players -myself included- try to find an out of the way place to go if we need to pause.


It is true that some scum-wads use 'pause' as a technique to get you to turn your back on them -and then they come back and nail you. Also there are 'accidents' too. For example, I nailed Nutricious when he was in pause. I didn't mean to do it, and I told him I was sorry about it.


I'm not talking about that. What I'm talking about are a number of instances I saw Laz repeatedly hacking away at people who were paused. He nailed me as well. Now keep in mind, this guy is more than a competent player, and he's chopping down people who cannot defend themselves or run away, and pose no threat to him! I mean really, how cheap is that!!!???


I don't know if you are still awarded a point for the kill, but it's too bad if you are because you should probably be deducted points (several of them).


So unfortunatly, Laz is either a Jerk-@$$ or at least an example of poor sportsmanship.


Sorry I had to say it, but "If the shoe fits..."

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I dont mind people cutting me down when I'm in pause. I dont do it myself but if I'm killed during pause, oh well. It's a game about running around and slashing people to bits or blowing them up, so killing the unarmed or killing the people who are away isn't really blasmphemy. :D


It's only a game, and if people enjoy being like the terminator and kiling everything in sight, then be it. Let them play however they like. When I'm chat killed it doesn't hurt me in any way. If I'm chatting I can keep on chatting, if I'm on the phone I can still speak on the phone, it only takes me half a second to respawn and get back in game.


I know a lot of people find it anooying and poor onine-gamin-ettiquette, but it isn't that much of a big deal for me. :)

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

Anyway, luc have you seen the demos?


Nope, but I wrote to Santa about it, so I'm hoping I'll get 'em on Christmas. :)



Hey, wait a minute!


*sniff* ... *sniff*


You! You've seen the demos HAVEN'T YOU!?


*starts choking ZWZ*





..uh, sorry 'bout that... I'm okay now. I just....want the demos...and the .avi. :(

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Argh, we need to get these demos posted. Nutritious is working with them at the moment because of a slight bug that keeps you from being able to see the jetpack thrusters of a person that you're spectating. I've spoken with him about it and we think we might have a solution for that. Hopefully, he'll be able to post them soon.

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Originally posted by ksk h2o

I dont mind people cutting me down when I'm in pause.

Oh, I don't take it personally. I just recall someone mentioning that Laz did that and I think there might have been some disagreement over it and then I saw it first hand.


Actually, I had a good time playing against Laz and the rest that day. It doesn't really "bother" me, when people do that. I usually go in expecting to get nailed left and right like a cheap whore.


I just thought with Laz's rep for being as good as he is, that one could expect more of him than taking such cheap shots. He's better than that! For shame... For shame...

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argh, yes I'm working on the video. I'm doing it match by match but the first match was 11 mins long! I've decided in order to keep the file size down (and audience from getting bored), I'm gonna have the video fast forward through parts where we're just moving around. I'm pretty much done with my perspective on the first match, and I'm gonna try to get laz's perspective done today. So hopefully tomorrow I can just put them together in a split screen and be done with it. :)

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Originally posted by TK_Nutritious

argh, yes I'm working on the video. I'm doing it match by match but the first match was 11 mins long! I've decided in order to keep the file size down (and audience from getting bored), I'm gonna have the video fast forward through parts where we're just moving around. I'm pretty much done with my perspective on the first match, and I'm gonna try to get laz's perspective done today. So hopefully tomorrow I can just put them together in a split screen and be done with it. :)


Awesome man, keep it up.


Don't feel like you have to post all of the matches. If you want to do the ones that you think were "highlights" that would be fine. I can think of a few matches of my own that i'd like to forget...argh. That one where I almost beat Laz was certainly worth putting up though (nudge, nudge) :D


BTW, make sure you come and drop by the new Promod forums. Your lack of presence is certainly being felt over there after your matches with Laz. Just hit the Promod homepage and look for the link.

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